
3 Proven Strategies for Finding Prospects' Emails on LinkedIn
If you're trying to reach out to potential customers, there's no better place to start than LinkedIn. But, how do you find your prospects' emails on LinkedIn? With over 830 million users and over 58 million paying companies, this may seem like an impossible task -- but with the right strategy and some preparation, it can be as easy as eating pie! Read on to learn about three proven strategies for finding prospects' emails on LinkedIn!
A) Employ your 1st-degree connections to scrap emails
Scraping your 1st-degree connections’ emails is a quick and easy way to go when you start cold email outreach. It also helps you start compiling a list of prospects. Most professional profiles include an email address, so it’s not hard to scrape these addresses in bulk. You can start scraping emails by downloading contacts archives from your LinkedIn account (you need to have a premium account). Once downloaded, use the personal email extractor tool to export all your first-degree connections’ emails. Finally, import them into any email marketing software such as PhantomBuster's to create a segmented mailing list.
B) Use a standard LinkedIn account to engage those you're connected with
With a standard LinkedIn account, you can only access basic information about people. If you want to find someone’s email address, that will be tricky without leveraging your 1st-degree connections. You can search for a keyword or industry in an individual’s profile to see if any of your 1st-degree connections are connected to them via one of their recent posts. This will give you insight into who they are and what they’re interested in. You can then send a connection request to that person with a note explaining why you think he would be interested in connecting with you and/or your company.
C) Use a Sales Navigator account to connect with new people
The only way to connect with people you are not connected to is to request their connection and hope they accept. Sales Navigator is a premium tool that makes it easy to get in touch with anyone without being dependent on them accepting your connection request. You can search by company name, industry, or title with Sales Navigator. You can also use filters like location, seniority level, and school attended. Once you find someone interested, simply hover over their profile picture and click Request Connection. They will be notified that you have requested to connect with them (similar to how it works when someone requests your connection). If they accept your request, voila! You’re now connected!
These strategies at Lix-It will help you find your prospects’ emails on LinkedIn. And if you don’t have a Sales Navigator account yet, it is recommended to get one. It’s a great tool to help you build relationships with your prospects and grow your business!