
Tag: martech

3 Ideas for Building a Better Loyalty Program

Building a better loyalty program is a goal that every organization should...

  • martechnews

Create a successful campaign with the help of DSP

We all have struggled with creating the first successful and profitable cam...

  • martechnology

Rewiring GTM strategy with Customer Success

GTM ensures you get to the right customers, but now revamp it to deliver de...

  • martechnews

Martech Interview with Faisal Galaria, Chief Executive...

1. Being the Chief Executive Officer at Blippar, what is it like to lead an...

  • martechnology

Martech Interview with JR Sherman on Event Marketing

JR Sherman highlights in an Martech interview on event marketing trends and...

  • martechnews

Martech Interview with Faisal Galaria on AR in Marketin...

The AR industry is developing and evolving day by day, with constant innova...

  • martechnews


This has led to the assembling of the programmatic industry with wide chang...

  • martechnology

6 Sales Pipeline Metrics Every Business Should Track

Measuring your company’s pipeline metrics will help you track how well your...

  • martechnews

Holiday Ecommerce Marketing Guide for 2021

E-Commerce is the new way of shopping with convenience and ease, choosing w...

  • martechnology

How to Make Sure Your Martech Stack Works for Agile Mar...

Agile marketing centers around “sprints” – campaigns that are typically of...

  • martechnology

Martech Interview with Laura Haines on eCommerce in Met...

Laura Haines shares insights in an Martech interview on eCommerce in Metave...

  • martechnews

Invest in eCommerce Marketing You Can Control

Post-pandemic all businesses are changing their eCommerce marketing strateg...

  • martechnews

Martech Interview with Gregg Holzrichter on Data Manage...

Marketing, by nature, is built on data. How does data assist marketers opti...

  • martechnews

Why Human Ingenuity Matters Over AI in Advertising?

AI also plays an increasingly integral role in ad automation, helping adver...

  • martechnology

Most Brands Fail by Stopping Just Short of a Brand Purp...

Humans are driven by meaning and purpose same as the corporate entities. Ho...

  • martechnews