The Most Effective Rules & Scoring to Get into Professional Cornhole Game Play
The Most Effective Rules & Scoring to Get into Professional Cornhole Game Play
When you decide to get the best lawn games like cornhole into your playing regime, all that matters is which cornhole boards you select for your games. It matters that players look for cornhole boards that come with birch plywood tops with a clear coat that makes them long-lasting. To get the best quality cornhole boards online in the USA, connect to Cornhole Game Web portal!

Are you looking for a top-level game played in backyard areas, tailgate parties, beaches, or parks? If yes, the cornhole game is the perfect choice! Played by the ACA (American Cornhole Association) rules, this game is all about landing cornhole bags into a cornhole board’s hole. The fun factor in the game is that it is played as a team sport in the form of two teams who compete against each other.

To have a great game it’s all about getting the best quality cornhole accessories like official cornhole boards and corn-filled cornhole bags.

In this context, let’s look at the most effective guide to cornhole rules and cornhole scoring for the professional playing of a cornhole game.


Cornhole Rules


  • Two teams play the game with two members on each side, standing beside their respective cornhole boards set 27’ apart and facing each other.
  • Each team that is playing the cornhole game should have 4 bags of the same color, different from the other team’s bag color.
  • To determine which team goes first, you can have a coin toss or decide among yourselves.
  • One team member goes first. He or she begins the game by throwing the cornhole bag from anywhere behind the line towards the opponents’ cornhole board. The goal is to get the cornhole bag on the opposite side’s cornhole boards.
  • After the first throw, it's one team member from the opposite team’s turn to toss, and the game continues with an alternating toss from these two opponents until all 8 bags have been tossed.
  • If a cornhole bag hits the ground before it lands on the cornhole boards, the cornhole bag should be taken off of the surface, as it is not included in cornhole game scoring.
  • The game is played until one team reaches the score of 21 points.

Cornhole Game Scoring

  • When a player tosses a cornhole bag, and it doesn’t land on cornhole board, then no point is awarded. 
  • When a player tosses a cornhole bag that lands on the cornhole board, then 1 point is awarded. 
  •  When a player tosses a cornhole bag and it lands in the cornhole board’s hole, then 3 points are awarded.


Final Thoughts

Fun and exciting, the cornhole game is an ideal choice for many Americans. To get the most out of the game, play with the best official cornhole boards and cornhole bags. So, if you are looking to get the most trending official cornhole boards from an official web portal, connect to Cornhole Game official website!

Also Read: Top 3 FAQs to Consider Before Buying Wedding Cornhole Game Boards