
Proofreader Malaysia
The proofreading process for academic work usually startsout after one completes one’s manuscript. This stage takes place right beforepublication or print of the manuscript. A manuscript could be a thesis,dissertation, or journal paper. It is crucial to either proofread themanuscript yourself, or assign a certified proofreader to edit it for you.Either way, this is an important process that will determine the languagequality of your work. It is important to express your ideas very clearly,especially in academic work. Reviewers or readers will usually stop reading amanuscript if they encounter too many English errors in the work. Errors couldbe spelling/typos, grammatical, punctuation, sentence structure, and coherency.There are many dimensions to take into account when proofreading a manuscript.All of these dimensions should be carefully inspected, and all errors should becorrected. Reviewers would usually send your manuscript back in the case itcontains too many errors. Therefore, it is crucial to tackle this processthoroughly before sending your manuscript for publication/print. This wouldsave a great deal of time and effort.
This is different from editing, which takes place afterevery draft you complete. Proofreading is a process that takes place only atthe final stage of writing. It is of great importance to be serious about thisprocess. Most writers whose mother language is not English do not consider thisstage to be important, and send their manuscripts directly to reviewers. Thisshould not be the case. There should be a careful inspection of the manuscriptprior to sending it to reviewers. Why go to all the trouble of having it sentback, and then wasting time looking for a good proofreader? Why not simply takethis step seriously before sending anything in? There are many high qualityproofreaders available online, who would be more than happy to inspect andcorrect your document for a reasonable fee. Our service, for example, gives youaccess to high quality proofreaders who are willing to thoroughly refine yourdocument in terms of English language, and then send it back within areasonable amount of time, and a fair price. Please go to the inquiry page andupload your document for a free quote. Do take the time to fill in the detailsand ensure that you provide any special requests so that we can take them intoaccount. For example, some students prefer for the editor not to modify theircitations because they use automated reference software such as EndNote. If anyof the citations are modified by the editor, this would break the links thesoftware provides between the citation and the reference. So please make sureto mention any special requests.
We also have editors with various backgrounds. It isimportant to assign your document to an editor that has a background on thetopic your document is about. He would know what you refer to when you usespecial terms that are used only in your topic. He would have a better chanceof recognizing mistakes that editors with other backgrounds would not. So thisis also another thing to take note of. Editors are available for many differentbackgrounds. So be sure to mention that you want a proofreader that is skilledin your area. To date, we have around 20 proofreaders working with us, andthere is a good chance you would find one that is skilled in your background.
We cover both theses and papers, and charge a fair rate tostudents. Theses for Master’s students may take up to five days to complete,while theses for PhD’s would take about a week to complete. Papers usually takearound two to five days to send back. We charge a low rate compared to othercompanies, and maintain the same quality as those companies. So be sure to cometo us when you need help with your manuscript!