warriors of the ruwach
warriors of the ruwach
Encouraging everyone to seek the truth. We ALL have been conditioned by tradition and we often believe things that we don’t understand. Don't let your pride, emotion, ignorance, arrogance, church, traditions or family stop you from learning the truth!

warriors of the ruwach

YaHuWChaNaN 8:32 "John"

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

We ALL have been conditioned by tradition and we often believe things that we don’t understand. Don't let your pride, emotion, ignorance, arrogance, church, traditions or family stop you from learning the truth!

When it comes to the TRUTH, FACTS hold more weight than feelings. FACTS should come first before emotion and if you get
these two backwards, then you'll make fatal choices regarding your soul based on emotions. If you're ready to separate your emotional ties with her (mystery Babylon) and you are ready to make critical decisions established on scriptural TRUTH and historical FACTS, then this website is for you!

This truth walk is NOT about loyalty to earthly men, a ministry or friendships, ONLY the TRUTH!

Knowing the truth alone WON’T make you free, because knowing the truth is just the first step. The truth means nothing unless you put forth action and continually live for it daily, in word and deed (actions / works). Consistently walking in the truth and being in alignment with YaHuWaH (translated in the westernized English bible as the title "God" or "LORD") makes you free from mental bondage. You DON’T automatically get covered by YaHuWaH just because you know the truth, NO. There’s an accountability piece that the masses love over look, because they want the benefits of the struggle, but refuse to obey what YaHuWaH requires.