A Buyer’s Guide To Building Inspection
A Buyer’s Guide To Building Inspection
New Home inspection is a process where independent building inspectors assess the construction quality delivered by the builder. The process is consist of 5-6 step to monitor the quality standard at each stage. Building Inspectors have a list of pre-verified building inspectors who will provide professional inspectors of new home construction. Contact Building Inspection Council for free quotes

Purchasing a house is the biggest decision for anyone, financially and emotionally. When a buyer is planning to buy a house, he/she gets carried away by a flashy facade, fresh paint, and polished floors. But what they cannot see under these touch-ups are foundation cracks, wall cracks, and water damage.

It is essential to conduct a Building inspection before buying a house because once a buyer buys a house & later finds a huge defect; it will cost thousands of dollars to repair. Most states need sellers to offer buyers property condition disclosure forms, but it’s great to hire an independent building inspector. The procedure of Building Inspection provides buyers the opportunity to grasp detailed information about the home they are planning to buy to make an informed decision.

This process is created to be used for informational purposes only & not as any type of determination of value. It can assist buyers to feel more confident in the home they have chosen as well as assist them to avoid making a home purchase that leaves them to deal with hazardous safety problems or big-budget repairs. State allow you to have a conditional sales contract  based upon the outcome of the home inspection report

In this article, the buyer will get detailed information about the building inspection such as why it is required, its elements, key players, inspection report, & more.

Building Inspection

 A house inspection is a process that is conducted to find out the building’s condition to the buyer’s benefit. The building inspector council scan every part of building for any abnormality or defect.  A home inspection is a detailed report created by a Building inspector about the condition of the home’s major structure, deterioration, what requires instant attention and what will need maintenance. The home inspection report provides a deeper understanding of whether the home has been well-maintained or requires major repairs.

The inspection will give a precise overview of the property a buyer wants to purchase. The inspector may also see the signs that one defect may have led to other defects like ceilings or walls. The inspection can take 1 to 5 hours, depending on the condition and size of the building. The inspector must have the compliance certificate & must be licensed to carry out the inspection duties. As the buyer, you can be present at the site during the inspection procedure.

Why Building Inspection required?

Buyers frequently order home inspections to ensure every nook and corner of the building is in good condition and that there are no serious, expensive defects. Sellers might order a pre-listing inspection to determine the main problems that require to be fixed before the house is put on the market. It’s very common in most sales contracts that a home inspection possibility makes sales conditional upon the outcome of the home inspection report. A home inspection is also the best way to determine repairs to request & to grasp the elements & systems of a house.

Here are key benefits of building inspection:

  1. Outline the defects: Building inspector outlines all the defects in the building. Research shows that all the buildings have defects. These could be serious or minor defects. The major defect can cost thousands of dollars whereas minor defect may be ignored. Basically, a building inspection report tells you exactly what you are getting into.
  2. Better negotiation: With knowledge of building defects in the potential property, you can estimate the cost of fixing these defects. This empowers you to better negotiate the price of the property. You can even negotiate to get the defects fixed by the owner. Overall building inspection helps you save money when purchasing a property.
  3. Safety hazards: A home is where the family is. Your potential house may have serious health hazards or fatal risks for your family. A building inspection report lists out all the potential safety risks and protects your family from fatal accidents.

Key Players

The key players in real estate dealing are given below:

  • Buyer: A person who is ready to buy real estate.
  • Seller: A person who currently owns property & ready to sell.
  • Realtor: A registered real estate agent who bringing buyer and seller together.
  • Appraiser: An independent licensed professional trained to provide an unbiased estimate of the value of the property.
  • Mortgage Broker: An individual or a company that brings the borrower & lender together.
  • Conveyancer: A company that specializes in inspecting, assuring, & transferring titles to real estate.
  • Building Inspector: An independent, licensed person trained to assess the structural and other defects in the property.
  • Home warranty provider: An insurance company that sells an insurance policy to the buyer or seller as protection against unexpected building breakdowns.

What is included in the inspection report?

 The inspection report should include everything that is accessible. The information depends on the structure & the size of the building. Some of the areas covered comprise the basement structure, crawl space structure, slab structure, furnace, and electrical system. 

Others are the attic, plumbing system, exterior, interior, & grounds. A pre-purchase building inspection will inform any visible areas of the home with major & minor faults like cracks in walls, rotting timber, safety hazards, mold, or a faulty roof. Inspection reports typically do not cover an estimate of repair costs.

If the building inspector cannot get access to an area like not being able to fit under the floor due to the house stumps are too low, so this area would not be covered in the report. Despite this, your inspector should check for tell-tale signs of an issue.

For instance: a crack in a wall can be a sign that the house foundation is unstable. Rotting timber can exhibit that water is drenching the timber.

The Building inspection report comes with detailed information about the defects along with photographs of those defects. The checklist classified into areas of the house which is utilized during the inspection to organize the necessary information. 

Elements of a Building Inspection

The home inspector will assess major elements of a house, ensuring appropriate operation of systems, observing the condition, and noting damage. The inspector may also examine for signs of potential damage from present defects. A building inspection report will include:

  • Interior and exterior walls
  • Roof space
  • Roof exterior
  • Floor & subfloor space
  • Toilet
  • Laundry
  • Garage, carport & shed
  • Driveways
  • Stairs/steps, fencing, and paths
  • Non-structural retaining walls

A building inspection report will likely include:

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction outlining important definitions, date, kind & age of the building, weather, and people present during the inspection
  • Building sections such as Exterior, Roof, Interior, & many more listing the items the inspector observed, styles and materials, recommendations, comments, photos, and videos
  • Summary of discoveries, defects, & areas that need further investigation

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3 Don’t when choosing Building Inspector

  1. Hiring a building inspector referred by a real estate agent

This is the biggest mistake when hiring a building inspector recommended by a real estate agent. When you hire a building inspector through the reference of a real estate agent, your report is almost written by a real estate agent. Building inspectors get regular work from the real estate agents and would not point out any major defect which can lead to the cancelation of the deal.

A buyer will come to know about stitch up by the time it is too late and may not have any legal recourse against the inspector. A person of building inspection firms generally demands a disclaimer is a place in their report against 3rd parties. He will never go against the real estate agent. 

2. Hiring a building inspector through the free quote website

The main reason for not hiring a building inspector through a free quote-providing website or company is their very business model. These companies are here to make money which comes from building inspectors and not you. So they want the maximum number of building inspectors with them. For the company, consideration toward the experience, education, and competency of building inspectors comes last.

Free Quote Company tries to do anything to keep their paying building inspectors happy. Their credentials are exaggerated as per instructions from building inspectors. Hiring through these commercial-free quote companies is a gamble where you put the biggest investment of your life at stake.

  1. Hiring an incompetent and inexperienced building inspector for a cheaper price

The difference in price between a quality building inspector and an average building inspector is max $50 -$150. This amount is nothing compared to the total investment you made.

Only a seasoned and competent building inspector can identify every building defect in a building. It takes many years of learning and experience to be a competent building inspector. So when it comes to the building inspector, choose the competent one as compare to the cheaper one.

Few tips about choosing Building Inspector

  • Pre-shortlist the building inspectors for the area, you are planning to purchase property in.
  • Ask your friend and family about good references.
  • Do your research about the building inspector serving in the area. Make a list of questions you should be asking to build inspector before finalizing.
  • Select a not-for-profit organization to refer a competent building inspector. Building inspection council is alike not-for-profit organization in community service. They do not charge any commission or fee from building inspectors and select them only based on the sheer competence.


 The buyer also needs to ask the building inspector if he/she can attend the process. It is necessary to be there to check on the building & what’s being inspected. This complete procedure saves you the anguish of purchasing a house that does not meet the set conditions. It is necessary to hire a reputable Building Inspection person to get the best services.