
Vue js, a progressive Javascript framework is used to build user interfaces and single-page applications.
In the words of its creator, Evan You, it is:
“Vue js is a more flexible, less opinionated solution. It’s only an interface layer so you can use it as a light feature in pages instead of a full-blown SPA.”
Evan, You wanted to create a front-end framework that is as powerful as Angular and lighter and flexible. The result was Vue js.
Top companies like Facebook, Netflix, and Behance use this framework. In this article, we will explore popular companies that have benefited from Vue.js.
Let’s first get an overview of some of the advantages this framework offers.
Things to Keep in Mind Before You Hire Vue.js Developers
If you consider leveraging Vue.js for development, here are a few things you need to know. When looking to Hire Vue.js Developers, ensure that they have the right skills and experience.
Check whether they have a strong understanding of JavaScript and React JS. It is also important that they have experience with standard tools and services in JavaScript front-end development.
Consider hiring dedicated developers for your project. It is a flexible approach where you can build custom applications as per your business requirements. Read more here at the given link below.
Original Source: Look How 10 Companies Using Vue js for Their Business Benefit