
Many website owners have more than one website, but is it time to consolidate them?
There are many reasons website owners may want to consolidate websites. Sometimes it's because someone started their website without knowing what they were doing and would like to start over when they know what they're doing. Other times, website owners end up with too many websites that aren't bringing in enough traffic or revenue. Or maybe they've put off the consolidation long enough, and now there are multiple abandoned website domains in their portfolio.
What happens with all your old links?
If you go forward with the website consolidation process, there's no need to worry about breaking all your old links. Your old links will redirect appropriately if you use 301 redirects on your new website. Still, you can also use a website consolidation service to ensure that all your links redirect properly.
Website consolidation services sometimes take the website owner's old website and place it on a new website where it will continue to receive traffic from relevant existing traffic. If this isn't something you'd like to do with an old website, then you can consolidate websites by starting anew or keeping one of them as is and then removing the other website(s).
Doing these things may result in a flat domain, so be sure to check for this when selecting a website consolidation service. It's not something you want after going through all this work! You don't need any distractions in the future.
Retain one website as-is, create another website to replace the 'old website,' or redirect all website URLs to one website? The choice is yours.
Website consolidation services can help you choose which website should be kept as-is, which website(s) should be merged into a new website, and which website(s) should have links redirected to a new website. Of course, it's up to you what happens with your old websites after choosing a service that can merge or redirect your old websites' contents, but it will save you a lot of stress.
Website consolidation services may have improved their processes to ensure all website links redirect properly. However, suppose you're considering website consolidation. In that case, it's not too late to work with a website consolidation service that can provide tips on how many websites should be consolidated and ways to make the process as efficient as possible. For example, would it make sense to reduce three websites into one website, or should 2 of those websites be redirected back to the remaining website? People often find themselves asking these types of questions when website consolidation is on their minds, but website consolidation services can provide answers.
If website consolidation sounds like something you want to do, then website consolidation services can make the process stress-free. You may even find yourself with more time in your day once website consolidation is complete! Do not hesitate to ask questions about website consolidation, whether it be about consolidating websites or redirecting URLs. Websites continue to grow and evolve, which means website owners will have no choice but to consolidate websites at some point, so it's best to start thinking about website consolidation now instead of later when it could become much more challenging for you and your team.