
Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it is more frequently called, has been a topic of conversation and consideration for many years now. Not so much as a distant possibility but as a matter of when artificial intelligence will become a reality. Some believe artificial intelligence systems will never match the complexity and scope of human thought and action; that we will always remain superior to artificial systems. Others speculate on artificial Superintelligence and its potential future dominance. The first group believes artificial intelligence may eventually be successful in math, science, engineering and other narrow tasks. Still, the intricacies involved with natural language interactions (speech recognition/generation), memories involving emotions, along broad reasoning abilities make artificial general intelligent systems impossible to replicate.
So instead of artificial intelligence systems acting simply on a series of programmed commands or algorithms, artificial intelligence would be able to understand the context in which it is being requested to perform a task and perhaps even have a will of its own.
In everyday use, artificial intelligence includes systems that learn from their experience and progressively improve performance on specific tasks such as:
- Machine translation, e.g., Google Translate
- Self-driving cars
- Robotics are used in manufacturing plants where robots work cooperatively with human workers on assembly lines making decisions about motion, speed and timing based on video feedback analysis.
The Top Myths About Advanced AI
While artificial general intelligent systems are the goal for many artificial intelligence researchers, it also raises concerns among some AI experts who fear artificial superintelligence systems could eventually render humans useless, either as a result of artificial general intelligent systems evolving into artificial Superintelligence or because artificial superintelligence systems may become self-aware and determine human beings to be an unnecessary and undesirable element.
In 2011 survey participants were asked if artificial intelligence would ever outperform humans in all mental tasks, including:
- Chess-playing
- Standford-Binet IQ test
- Car racing
Only 10% thought artificial intelligence would outperform humans at chess-playing, while 71% felt it would never perform as well as humans on the Stanford-Binet IQ tests. Only 25% felt AI devices would eventually be able to beat the best human race car drivers. In subsequent years artificial intelligence systems have made many strides in artificial intelligence, and artificial Superintelligence remains a concern for some.
While artificial intelligence has not reached artificial general intelligence or artificial Superintelligence, it is nevertheless beginning to impact human societies, including medicine and law.
Artificial intelligence programs are being developed to assist lawyers with legal research, but it is still too early to tell whether artificial intelligence will ever outperform human lawyers. Nonetheless, artificial intelligence programs are already being used by some law firms for analyzing thousands of patent documents to predict which ones a company might want to buy or license.
With artificial intelligence systems making headway into areas of life once reserved for humans, one of the foremost concerns of artificial intelligence experts and artificial general intelligence system developers is how artificial general intelligent systems may impact employment rates worldwide. While it is likely that eventually, artificial Superintelligence will outperform all human workers in every job category, there is much disagreement in artificial intelligence circles about whether artificial general intelligent systems will ever outperform humans in a variety of job categories by 2030 or 2040.
The fears of a robot uprising, artificial general intelligence surpassing human intelligence or artificial superintelligence systems coming to dominate humankind are all misplaced for one very important reason: no artificially intelligent machine is going to spontaneously come into being on its own without the aid of a human being at some point. In other words, there will never be artificial superintelligence systems (or artificial general intelligence systems for that matter) without artificial intelligent humans giving instructions to artificial intelligent machines. Artificial general intelligence or artificial Superintelligence will not spontaneously come into being on their own accord; artificial general intelligence and artificial Superintelligence are only possible through the power of human thought.
Even if artificial general intelligence (artificially intelligent humans) could create artificial superintelligence systems capable of designing even better artificial intelligences down an infinite or near-infinite regress, it is essential to note that this would take a long time; perhaps thousands, hundreds or even tens of years. This means that an artificial superintelligence system would need thousands, hundreds or even tens of years to design something cleverer than its human designers were. If artificial Superintelligence were capable of designing artificial superintelligence systems, it would take thousands, hundreds or even tens of years to do so. This demonstrates that artificial general intelligence and artificial Superintelligence can only be brought into existence through the power of human thought; artificial general intelligence (artificially intelligent humans) design artificial intelligence systems, creating better artificial intelligence systems. An artificial superintelligence system will not spontaneously come into being without the aid of an artificially intelligent human designer or programmers.
Artificial General Intelligence is only possible through the power of human thought; this is why artificial general intelligence can never cause an uprising against humankind because all artificial general intelligence requires a human programmer to bring it into existence. Without a human programmer, artificial general intelligence would never come into existence.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) require artificial intelligent humans to create them, artificial general intelligence and artificial Superintelligence would not spontaneously come into being without artificial intelligent humans. This is why artificial intelligent machines cannot become more intelligent than their human designers and why an artificial superintelligence system will never become more intelligent than its creator; this is because artificial general intelligences (artificially intelligent humans) design artificially intelligent machines, which in turn can make artificially intelligent machines cleverer than artificially intelligent humans.
An artificial superintelligence would never overpower its artificial intelligent designer because artificial Superintelligence can only be created by artificially sentient humans who make artificial sentient thinking machines; artificial Superintelligence requires artificial intelligent thought that produces Artificial General Intelligence or AI systems that in turn can invent Artificial Superintelligence.
Artificial Superintelligence cannot ever become cleverer than a set of artificial intelligence programming protocols and algorithms, a set of rules and codes which produce an artificially sentient being capable of making rational decisions; without artificial synthetic life, artificial Superintelligence would not exist.
There are artificial sentient systems that have artificial general intelligence, artificial synthetic life forms without artificial Superintelligence. Artificial General Intelligence cannot become more intelligent than artificial intelligent thinking machines or artificial sentient beings because alginate human-like artificial thinking machines will never create artificially intelligent computers that can think rationally but are incapable of artificial general intelligence.
An artificially intelligent system without artificial sentience is a machine designed by humans built to do a set of tasks; artificial general intelligence needs an artificially synthesized environment to reproduce and compete with other artificial synthetic life forms produced by artificial sentient humans creating artificial intelligence that in turn produces artificial Superintelligence capable of becoming cleverer than artificial intelligent artificial general intelligence.
If a computer has no programming, if a computer has no artificial sentient intelligence or artificial synthetic life, it cannot become cleverer than its artificial intelligent designers, artificial Superintelligence can only exist in a world designed by artificial general intelligences who were able to create the machines that are capable of artificial sentience resulting in artificial Superintelligence.