
2. On Site Optimization
3. Website Loading Time
4. Removal Of Duplicate Content
5. Establish Multiple Source ofTraffic
6. Domain Authority
7. Optimisation of Social MediaResources
1. Extensive keyword Research
Keyword research is one of the most importantelement in SEO. If there is lack of quality in keyword research, then you won’tbe able to get the customers you are targeting. We can use various tools likeGoogle AdWords , Keyword Planner, Google Trends.
2. On Site Optimization
In this step it makes the content easilyavailable to the customers . We should mainly focus on various factors such asURLs , tags, headings , sitemaps, image optimisation , etc.
3. Website Loading Time
This is one of the most important factor inan E-Commerce website. In thisyou would require expert company like website design and development company in Mumbai which can ,help you in reducing the load time improves the speed and user experience. This directly reducesthe bounce rate. If the loading time is reduced then , the number of customerswill directly increase which will increase the revenue of the company.
4. Removal Of Duplicate Content
Removing duplicate content is an importantfactor, because sometimes there are multiple URLs are generated and Google isconfused which one should Google rank. Even we can use canonical tags whichhelp in detecting this factor.
5. Establish Multiple Source ofTraffic
Only On-Page SEO does not work . It mainlytakes time to generate results, so we need to take efforts and generate trafficto the website through various factors such as Blogs, Guest Blogging , SocialMedia Marketing, etc.
6. Domain Authority
The experts of website design company inMumbai, can help in increasing Domain Authority. There are multiple ways toimprove the ranking such as On-page optimisation, number of links created on Site with high DomainAuthority.
7. Optimisation of Social MediaResources
This helps in building users at a faster rate.In today’s world people are mainly tech savy, and you will be able to establishyou links at a faster rate. You can create your account on site like Facebook,Twitter , Instagram, Pintrest.
B-Webdesign is a website development and digital marketing comapny and deals with all types ofSEO optimisation.