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Living and working in a global city
If you think about living and working in a global city, getinspired here and start with jobs, apartments, leisure and sports activtitiesand all you need to know to make your dream come true.
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Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, London, Barcelona, Madrid,Singapore, Dubai, New York, Tokyo,
Whether you are visiting London for the first time or comingback for a special occasion, you’ll discover a city full of unforgettablelandmarks and exciting things to do. There are London attractions waiting foryou around every corner.
London is a major financial center but together with Berlinthe start-up capital of Europe. So, no matter what your background is,check-out job opportunities in London, it’s worth it.
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Barcelona is the capital of Catalunya, Spain and one of themost exciting places to live, with urban life and the sea and mountains closeby. A vibrant city that you don’t want to miss out in your life. Of coursetourism is big in Barcelona but also many big companies have their headquarterin the city.
Check our selected partners for an easy start in Barcelona
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Check this unique concept to find your sports club inBarcelona
What do I need to work in Barcelona?
Madrid is the capital of Spain and the perfect place rightin the middle of the country to explore Spain. The city offers a wide range ofarts, culture, countless restaurants and clubs. Go to Plaza Major and thesurrounding streets to exerience this.
The Comunidad de Madrid (capital: Madrid) covers an area of8,022 km², approximately 1.6% of the Spanish territory. Located in the centreof the country, the city of Madrid is the capital of Spain as well as one ofits most important financial and economic hubs. The region has 6,424,843inhabitants (Eurostat, 2017), almost 14% of the total population, being thethird most populated area in the country.
After overcoming the throwback suffered in 2009 due to theeconomic recession and the fluctuations that followed in the next years, theeconomy has grown robust recently. In the same line, the population living inthe region are the wealthiest in the country and among the most thriving in theEuropean Union.
Since it enjoys a stable position, Madrid has seen increasedits attractiveness as pole for the establishment of national and foreigncompanies. Apart from the strength of the economic activities developed in theregion and its location, the major drivers of Madrid are its research &development (R&D) expenditures, high development, low unemployment and itshigh added-value services. It was the most dynamic region of the country in2016.
Check our selected partners for an easy start in Madrid
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ingapore is much more than the sum of its numerousattractions. It’s constantly evolving, reinventing, and reimagining itself,with people who are passionate about creating new possibilities. It’s where foodies,explorers, collectors, action seekers, culture shapers, and socialisers meet –and new experiences are created every day. More then 7000 internationalcompanies call Singapore home giving you a good chance to find your dream job.
Sound workplace integration policies and a common workinglanguage have made unity and diversity prominent features of its workforce.Manycompanies here ensure fair working environments that reward individuals basedon merit. Businesses prize the Singapore workforce for its high literacy rate,competency levels and ability to bridge Asian and Western cultures.
With over 110,000 expatriates and 7,000 multinationalcompanies operating here, global citizens will also feel right at home forginga career in Singapore. source:
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