
Many times people feel overloaded with recommendations - alternative therapies, such as chakra balancing, colonics, counseling, electromagnetics, facials, hypnotherapy, massages, seaweed wraps, spas, vacations, etc. - and they throw up their hands, "How can I afford all that?!" Actually, this is all part holistic medicine doctor of holistic health, and being able to afford all of this is part of holistic healing. The term holistic includes social balance as well, how we relate to each other in our personal relationships, our family, our community, our society, and our planet. And, the medium of "energy exchange" that we have for all these aspects of our being - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and social - is money. So true holistic well-being must also include financial health.
The Story Begins and Ends with Minerals
"From dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return." (Genesis 3:19) The Hebrew word far has been translated as dust. The real meaning is minerals!
During my years as a health enthusiast, one thing has become crystal clear. Even if we eat organic foods, we may still be mineral starved, because our soils are lacking many trace elements.
On average 40-60% of traditional supplements contain additional ingredients that possess no nutritive value. The majority of makers of pills, tablets, or capsules have standard-sized molds for their supplements - meaning that after the small amount of "nutrient" is added, non-nutritive materials, called excipients, are then added to make up the difference. To have a certain-sized tablet, other things besides the nutrients must be added to fill up the space. What is added may be surprising.