
It defines knowledge including the every area of human life cycle and that each and everything. This is a famous part of astrology that continuously comes from more than 8000 years in India. Astrologers know that the horoscope represents the position of planets.
Swati Nakshatra Lord +91-9872458547
Astrology is the science which deals various effects of planets, stars and many other things which have on human day to day in life. But these are works on bases at the time of birth. The position of the ones stars, sun, moon and planets can be easily and understand only by the original astrologer service which is gives you by the astrologer Pandit Ramakant Shastri. Who is the Indian's most popular and famous astrologer. Astronomy is concerned with the observation of the motions of heavenly bodies, and reduces to mathematical order these observations. Astrology is the study of the effects the movements of these celestial bodies have on human affairs.
Swati Nakshatra Lord +91-9872458547