
If you're not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you require an authorization to legally work in Canada.
How can I get into Canada as an employee of a temporary position?
If you want to enter Canada as a temporary foreign worker you need to obtain an employment permit. There are a variety of work permits.
If you're not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you require an authorization to legally work in Canada.
The general rule is that you will need in general to get a work permit through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or a Canadian visa office prior to your arrival in Canada. To get these permits:
It is essential to receive an offer of employment from a Canadian employer before applying.
Employers must submit an Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
ESDC will determine if the employer is able to hire an international worker to fill the position.
There are specific work permits for certain types of workers. For instance there are specific work permit programs specifically designed for caregivers, business owners as well as agricultural employees.
For more information, visit the website for those working Temporarily in Canada at the IRCC website.
If You Are in Canada
If you're already living in Canada and are a resident of Canada, you could be eligible for a particular kind of working permit.
For more details, please visit How to Apply Inside Canada.
Work Permits are Temporary
It is not possible to use an employment permit to move to Canada. If you are planning to move to Canada as a permanent resident, based on your experience and work knowledge, consider whether you can be considered an experienced worker.
Do I have the right to be a permanent citizen?
Temporary foreign workers are eligible to apply for permanent residency through these programs:
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
Caregiver Program: Note there are some changes expected to the Caregiver Program in 2019. This page will be updated as information becomes available.
You must meet the eligibility criteria to be eligible for these programs.
You may also apply for a skilled worker, however there isn't a specific category in the class of skilled workers that is specifically designed for foreign temporary workers.
For More Information
Temporarily working in Canada information for international workers as well as Canadian employers. From Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Applications for Work Permits in Canada Work Permits Applications and directions on the application process. From IRCC.
Requesting Change of Conditions or extending the duration of your stay Canada Workers (IMM 5553) This document provides information on the people who are eligible to request a working permit within Canada or how one can submit an application. From IRCC.
IRCC Help Centre - A tool to help answer frequently asked questions about immigration issues. It provides a variety of ways for looking through the available information and includes search using keywords. From Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) - The federal department that is responsible for Canadian immigration refugee and citizenship. Its website provides information on immigration policies, programs, applications and much more.