
The reason that you get the "the number you dialed was not allocated" message on your call intercept is because the number you are calling hasn’t been assigned an organization or an end-user by the provider.
You have called a number that is not allocated. Was this the message you received last time you attempted to contact your friend? This message was sent to you by your friend when he tried to call you. Don't worry, you are not the only one who heard this message.
This is a sign that either the administrator hasn’t assigned the number for a provider or the provider hasn’t assigned it to an individual subscriber. Let's look at the possible causes and solutions for the "the number you called was not assigned" problem.
What does the number that can't be reached mean?
A number is a measurement of the item or its quantity that is needed. The number can also be used to indicate an ideal or goal. It is a statement that the goal can't be reached.
What is a ghost phone? Phantom calls or ghost calls are unanswered phone calls. If the target responds to the call then there is no one on the other end. Ghost calls are different than silent calls. These calls are made by organizations using telemarking, which means that no representative is available to answer the call when it is made.
What does it mean when the number you dialed is not allocated?
Unconnected numbers will notify you that the call has not been completed. An operator may inform you that your phone number has been disconnected.