
Oil & Gas Services Products
Ashwagandha Root 460 Mg - 120Capsules
Helps to Fight Cancer
Boosts Immune Function
Combats Stress and Fatigue
Improves Thyroid Function
Balances Blood Sugar Levels
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that’s popular inAyurvedic medicine and has been used for more than 2,500 years. It’s actuallythe most commonly used and extensively researched adaptogen herb. It’s valuedfor its thyroid modulating, neuroprotective, anti-anxiety, antidepressant andanti-inflammatory properties, which are just some of the many ashwagandhabenefits.
In India, ashwagandha is known as the “strength of thestallion” because it has traditionally been used to strengthen the immunesystem after illness. It has also been referred to as “Indian ginseng” becauseof its ability to enhance your stamina and work as a natural stress breliever.
In fact, it’s ashwagandha’s ability to work as astress-protective agent that has made it such a popular herb. Like alladaptogenic herbs, ashwagandha helps the body to maintain homeostasis, even inmoments of emotional or physical stress. But the many ashwagandha benefitsdon’t stop there. This powerful herb has shown incredible results for loweringcortisol levels and balancing thyroid hormones. Plus, it’s been used for mooddisorders and in the prevention of degenerative diseases. Order Piping RockAshwagandha Root 460 mg - 120 Capsules on/from +233 245 170 917 or +233 50 20080 89 for fast delivery.
Liquid Paraffin 100ml
Liquid Paraffin is a temporary relief for constipation thatcan help to make your bowel movements easier. Ideal for those suffering fromconstipation and find that their stools are hard, dry, or very large. Bell’sLiquid Paraffin helps to soften your poo, making your trip to the toilet mucheasier.
Mineral & Paraffin White Oil
Mineral oil, also called heavy or light paraffin white Jellyoil, or simply transformer oil, is a colorless and odorless light mixture ofhigher alkenes from distillate of petroleum. It is also called liquid paraffin,pariffium liquidum or liquid petroleum and used medicinally and popularly inthe plastic industries.
Importantly, mineral white paraffin oil is use in a varietyof industrial/mechanical capacities as a non-conductive coolant or thermal fluidin electrical components such as transformer as it does not conductelectricity.
As transformer oil, it is use as an insulator and as acoolant to disperse switching arcs. Electric space heater use mineral oil as aheat transfer oil, where it is also use as hydraulic fluid in hydraulicmachinery and vehicles.
Apart from its industrial uses, mineral oil is also use inbiomedicine, veterinary, cosmetics and in food preparation. It has attractedmany miscellaneous uses such as in scented candle manufacturing, removal ofpaper labels from products, removal of ear wax, horticulture and anti-rust forblade among many others.
For additional information and documents about Mineral,White or Paraffin Oil, or how we can supply your organization, please give us acall, send us an email or contact us here:
Velvet Bean - 350g
Mucuna pruriens (Velvet bean) is an established herbal drugused for the management of male infertility, nervous disorders, and also as anaphrodisiac. It has been shown that its seeds are potentially of substantialmedicinal importance. The ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda,traditionally used Velvet bean, even to treat such things as Parkinson’sdisease. Velvet bean has been shown to have anti-parkinson and neuroprotectiveeffects, which may be related to its anti-oxidant activity. It is a good sourceof L-DOPA as well as anti-diabetic.
Sperm booster
Mood enhancement
Immune booster
Nervous disorders
Dosage form:
Direction of Use:
Grind into powder and take one teaspoon(4g) of the powder;mixed with water. Take once daily
Order Velvet Bean, 350 grams, from ekofisakyiamah and haveit delivered anywhere in the world.