
knoxville chiropractic
We Are Here For You
We are deemed essential health care providers and we aretaking all precautions, abiding by CDC guidelines for keeping the office cleanand sterile with the coronavirus pandemic affecting us all.
Our Vision
Scott Chiropractic has a highly-skilled chiropractic staff.Our proactive approach to the development of best business practices andpromotion of effective treatment methods are second to none.
Our Philosophy
Scott Chiropractic is committed to providing high-qualitychiropractic services in beautiful state-of-the-art facilities.
As a healthcare leader we partner with groups and eventswithin the communities we serve. Our focus on continuing education is unmatchedand guarantees our chiropractors understand and put into practice cutting-edgetreatments and techniques available for all types of conditions.
Our Mission
We are committed as healthcare professionals to help ourpatients resume their lifelong pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being.
High Quality
We take a goal-oriented approach to healing. Whatever yourgoals might be, we want to help you achieve them.
Patient Care
We’ll provide hands-on treatment in the office and educationyou can take home with you, enabling you to become an active participant inyour recovery and future physical health.
Professional Service
Our chiropractors have years of experience and a passion forhelping our community stay active.
Dr. Scott grew up in Boulder, Colorado and has alwaysenjoyed the outdoors and being physically active, whether recreational or teamsports.
This lifestyle has always kept Dr. Scott interested inhealth, diet, nutrition and proper exercise. He knew early on that he would endup having a career where he could work with people in this manner.
In college, Dr. Scott was living in California when he washeavily injured in an automobile accident that landed him in a chiropractor'soffice through the urging of his parents.
He went and it was all history from there, he knewimmediately that this profession was for him. "I was so amazed that allthis doctor used was his hands and I got better! I didn't need medication,surgery or anything else for my condition and I got better."
Meet The Staff
Angela was born and raised here in Knoxville and has alwaysbeen interested in healthcare. As a mother she knows the importance of having ahealthy family. She found that chiropractic has not only had an amazing impacton her health, but her family as well. She loves to talk about health and theimportance of chiropractic.