
How to Trademark a Name in South Africa?
Record your trademark with the Legal Legends to anticipate your opponents from practising it. Legal Legends offers the Register of Trade Marks, which is the authoritative report of all the trademarks that have formally been implemented for and/or recorded in the Republic of South Africa, since 1916.
How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in South Africa?
It can practice anything from six months to a year to record a trademark in South Africa. Legal Legends provides trademark registration services. As soon as the request for the trademark is registered with Legal Legends you have shielded from any other business/individual filing the same brand. The certification method can take about a year, but as soon as the request is finished you will be preserved for that year. When the application is filed, you will only need to replace it after 10 years. This method will be a lot easier as your trademark is already recorded.