
Cheap Kitchen Worktops
A Guest Blog Post by Oliver Webb, Director, Cullifords
Recognised for their expertise within the stone industry,wholesaler Cullifords are leaders in their field. With an impressive portfolioof high-quality natural and man-made stones including granite, marble, quartzand limestone – there is a stone to suit any interior.
With many homeowners keen to experiment with stone surfacesin their home and to reflect the emerging trend for colourful kitchens, we’veteamed up with design expert, Oliver Webb, Director at Cullifords to discussthe ways you can add interest into the kitchen space with a standout granitesurface.
There is a common misconception that granite is grey andlifeless, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth – when selectedappropriately granite can transform the look and feel of any space. With manypeople visiting our stone yard with the aim of finding something unusual andunique, it’s given us a real opportunity to show them what granite can reallydo.
One of the benefits to choosing a stone like granite is thatthere are so many colours and natural variations that can all bring somethingdifferent to a space. For example, the granite you select for your worktop mayappear modest and blend in with the cabinetry, but if applied somewhere elsewithin the room, for example the wall, it can create an entirely differentmood.
Yet, it’s not just the aesthetics that need to beconsidered, homeowners also need to look at practicalities like whether to optfor a hard or soft granite option. Kitchen islands exposed to heat and used forfood preparation would benefit from hard granite as its heat and scratchresistant. Surfaces with placement near an open window or area exposed to lotsof natural light, both hard and soft granite are UV and stain resistant andtherefore able to stand the test of time.
For homeowners looking for something that stands out, Ialways recommend opting for a stone that adds texture like Cosmic Black. Withits distinct ripples of dark and light shading, the stone would work well as afeature wall contrasted against plain cabinetry. To be truly appreciated, thestone should be used sparingly in order to enhance rather than overwhelm thespace.
One of my favourite stones from the collection isCopenhagen. Ideal for large-open plan kitchen designs, the white stone isspeckled with brown and cream crystals, which in a large, bright room wouldcatch the light beautifully. Although a subtle choice, Copenhagen evokes afeeling of luxury and would add interest whilst remaining complementary to aneutral colour palette.
Juparana Bordeaux is the perfect choice for homes wanting toadd rich, earthy colours to their kitchen design schemes. With its warmcolouring, the stone mimics the orange and brown tones of mahogany to offer amore traditional look and feel. The striking stone has a polished finish andwould be suitable for use on worktops and other horizontal surfaces.
We also have designs for homeowners looking for a moredaring colour palette, with stone options available in an array of colours.Katuba Blue combines rich royal blue with moody grey, for a stone that wouldwork perfectly on a statement island. If blue isn’t for you, Marinace Rossoresembles crashing boulders frozen in time, with a deep red base the colouredrocks are guaranteed to create an impact. By opting for a pop of colour in thekitchen, you can add something special to even the most minimal of designs.
With a stone to suit any space, Cullifords has an impressiverange of fine quality stones sourced from locations across the globe. With alarge yard located in Kingston Upon Thames, the knowledgeable team are alwayson hand to assist with choosing slabs for any application.