
Breast cancer is the most common disease in women, and thesecond main reason of cancer death in women, later lung cancer. Breast canceris a disease in which cell in are very rapidly grow out of control. The braincancer can begin in different parts of the breast. Breast malignant growth canspread outside the breast through veins and lymph vessels. When breast cancerspread to other parts of the body, it is known as metastasized. Breast cancerthe kind of breast cancer depends on which cell in the breast turn into cancer.
Breast cancer causes:
Cancer causes the uncontrollable grow of cells. Thisexcessive cell growth is responsible for cause’s cancer because the tumour usesnutrients and energy and deprives the cell around it.
The exact cause of breast cancer remains under, but somerisk factor makes it more likely. it is possible to prevent some of these riskfactor.
1. Age
2. Genetic
3. A history of breast malignancy or breast lumps
4. Dense breast tissues
5. Estragon exposure and breastfeeding
6. Body weight
7. Alcohol consumption
8. Radiation exposure
Symptoms of breast cancer:
· The first symptoms of breast cancer usuallyappear as an area of thickened tissues in the breast or a lump in the breast oran armpit. In addition, the following are potential indications of breastcancer.
· Pain in the armpits or breast that doesn'tchange with the monthly cycle
· Nipple discharge or redness [any bloodydischarge]
· Swelling of the part of breast
· a change on the size or shape of the bosom
· Peeling, flacking, or scaling of the skin on thebreast or nipple
· Lymph node change
· Pain in breast or nipple
Therapy of breast cancer:
Therapy will depend on several factors including:
· The type and stage of the cancer the person'ssensitivity to hormones
· The age, overall health, and preferences of theindividual
Different type therapies are available for cure breastcancer like a Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, hormone blocking therapy,Biological treatment.
A doctor may prescribe cytotoxic drug to kill or damagecancer cell. Many type drugs are available in market, palbace one of the druguse to treatment of breast cancer.
What kind of medicine is palbace?
Palbacecapsule is an anticancer medicine. Palbace inhibitor or blocks protein known ascyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. This medicine work by inhibiting kinase 4and 6, thus stop the cancer cell cycle. it also target the estragonreceptor-positive breast cancer cell by restricting the cell cycle.
How to administeredpalbace?
The recommended dose of Palbace 125mg capsule takenorally with food once daily for 21 consecutive days, then stopping themedication for 7 days. This is one complete cycle of 28days. Continuetaking palbace this way as directed by your doctor. Your healthcare team willmonitor your therapy throughout. Swallow the capsules with whole water. Be surethat do not break, chew, crush, dissolve or open capsules.
Sideeffect of palbace:
individual usingpalbace may having some common side effect such as Nausea, vomiting, loss ofappetite, diarrhea, tiredness, weakness, hair loss, tingling\numbness ofarms\legs may occur. If you have experience any of these effects, tell yourdoctor.
If you have anyserious side effect, tell your doctor right away. Some serious side effectincluding anaemia, easy bruising/bleeding and shortness of breath.
Are the side effectsof Palbace irreversible?
No, most of the palbace 125 side effect areirreversible and disappear when you stopped medicine. But one of the sideeffect like Neutropenia is well-recognized effect of palbace in which thenumber of white cells are decrease and your immune system gets weekend. as aresult you may get high risk of getting an infection while you are takingpalbace.
How to prevention of breast cancer?
There are no any waysto prevent breast cancer. However, certain lifestyle decision can significantlyreduce the risk of breast cancer as well as other type cancer.
· Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
· Following healthy diet, that containing plentyof fresh fruit and vegetable
· Be physically active
· Control your weight, maintaining a healthy bodymass index
· Preventing surgery also an option for women atreduce high risk of breast cancer
· Avoid exposure to radiation and environmentpollution
Some expert advice:
1. Take palbace with food, preferably at the sametime every day.
2. If you missed or vomit the medicine, skip themissed dose and follow regular schedule. Don’t take double dose.
3. Palbace may cause dizziness. so avoid driving orany activity which required mental focus until you know how it effect you,
4. Blood tests are important since this medicinecan lower your blood counts. Regular blood test checks the effect of palbace onyour blood cell. So blood test require while taking this medicine.
5. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planningpregnant or breastfeeding.
6. Do not stop taking palbace without talking todoctor.