
From cities to phones, pens to watches, we are not settling for anything less than “smart,” so why wouldn’t anyone opt for a smart home? Is this even a thing? APPARENTLY YES, you can have a SMART HOME despite having non-tech appliances by simply aiding yourself with the best smart plugs that can power your electronics remotely.
Now comes the next question how to get the best smart plug? Chill Out! I’ve analyzed the internet for the best smart plugs, so here are my top 10 suggestions.
Ground Mini Smart Plug
The Ground Mini smart plug work with Androids and IOS and is compatible with Google Assistant, Alexa even your smartwatches. So to get facilitated with the Mini Smart Plug, you’ll have to install the Gosund app, then follow the instructions to connect your plug with your account, and boom! You can now link your appliance and control it from anywhere.
You can even create a group of all your appliance and set timers for their power on and off and get yourself stress-free.