
Do ACL injuries affect mobility?
Did you recently have a knee injury? This knee injury might have brought your movement to a halt. The possible cause can be that you may have injured your anterior cruciate ligaments of the knees. These ACLs are an essential part of the knee that provides support to the knee joint to prevent anterior slipping of the shin bone located below the bone. You may feel instability of the knee joint. Get quality and affordable treatment for your ACL Injury at ACL recovery Thornton CO. They use a physical therapy approach to help you recover faster and quicker. Get back on your feet with ACL recovery Thornton CO.
What are ACL Injuries?
ACL is also known as the anterior cruciate ligaments on one of the four ligaments of the knees that provide strength and stabilization to the knee joint. An injury to the ACL causes severe pain and the inability to walk and move the knee joint. ACL injuries restrict the body movement that eventually limits your participation in activities that require your active participation like sports and athletics. The ACL gets damaged due to severe knee injuries.
ACL Injuries are more commonly seen in athletes like football players, soccer players, cricketers, gymnasts, skiers. It is also seen in non-athlete people due to an accidental injury or trauma. Damage or tear of the ACL occurring because of a direct blow on the knee, twisting of the knee joint, sudden weight shift on the knees, or even stretching the knee beyond its limits are the reasons for ACL injuries that include tear or damage of the anterior cruciate ligament.
The ACL ligaments are the ligaments connecting the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia) that form the knee joint. A sudden landing on the knee when jumping can also be a cause of ACL injuries. The reason for the sudden injury causes the pivot joint of the knee. ACL is one the most common knee injuries and is seen predominantly in females who give different and more trauma prone muscles and bones.
An ACL injury is followed by pain and swelling around the knee joint. The treatment is planned in such a way that the therapies help the patient get back to normal.
Causes of ACL Injuries
ACL injuries are seen in both athletes and non-athletes both. The most common causes of ACL injuries are
Backward bending or twisting of the knee as a result of fall or backward jumping.
Repeated use of the knee joint without any rest causing stress on the knees.
It can also occur as a result of sudden slowing or stopping while running.
Sudden landing on the knees while jumping or playing any sport.
An ACL injury is also a result of cutting or pivoting the maneuvers.
A blow or hit at the knee joint in an accident due to which the ACL ligament gets hyperextended.
These are the cause of ACL injury that leads to complete or partial tear or damage of the anterior cruciate ligament.
Signs and Symptoms of ACL Injuries
The signs and symptoms that a patient might complain of when having ACL injury are
A loud popping or cracking sound at the knee joint.
Severe pain at the knee joint is accompanied by an inability to perform any movements.
Swelling and redness at the knee joint.
Loss of range of motion, and restricted movement of the patients.
The patient complains of instability and a feeling of 'giving away' when carrying loads.
Using faulty movement patterns during gymnastics or sports.
You should immediately seek treatment if you are facing any of the above-mentioned symptoms. ACL recovery Thornton CO is the best physical therapy clinic providing recovery and relief from ACL injury-induced knee pain and swelling.
Physical Therapy Management for ACL Injury
Physical therapists help people with an ACL injury to get back on their feet. They design therapies and exercises that promote strengthening the muscles and the joints of the knee. The exercises also prevent further injury to the ACL ligament. Physical therapy sessions are adopted to recover faster and at a quicker rate. The physical therapy exercises strengthen your hamstring muscles and other muscles that play a role in providing balance to the body.
Physical therapists teach proper techniques and methods that are to be adopted when jumping and landing back on the knees after jumping. This will help you prevent any future damage or injury to the ACL ligaments.
ACL injuries, though very painful, are treatable. It takes months for the body to get back to its normal functioning. The physical therapy approach not only helps you strengthen your muscles and joints but also helps you prevent any injury. Opt from a physical therapy session and eliminate your ACL injury pain. An experienced physical therapist who is an expert in orthopedic will help you get rid of your pain.