
PPC Ad extensions are ad display options that appear below the ad text. They help you to deliver and customers to gain a better picture of what the ad is about. Google is more optimistic about the overall format because of the relevance of ad display options and the large ads designed to improve CTR states the experts from Digital Marketing Agency Jacksonville. The site link extension adds a link below the main text display of the search—these links direct users to other pages on your website. The Lead Forms extension is the latest version of the Google Ads extension and is still in beta. You can use custom forms to submit information directly to your ad and contact your leads as soon as possible states the experts from Marketing Agency. Make sure to submit your address, phone number, and map with a copy of the ad to make the most of it. Ad Extensions offer multiple benefits like improving the ad rank, attracting more qualified leads, and offering better advertising quality. The most significant advantage is that customers can buy from you online or at nearby stores. You just need to link the stores where the product is available as a display option. When users decide to contact or visit your store or website, they are ready to book or buy from you. So, make sure to add the ad extensions while running your PPC campaigns suggests the Digital Marketing Jacksonville experts.