
Web design and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) go hand in hand in building and shaping the brand of any organization. The unpaid results that appear on your screen after you type or speak into the search engine are determined not only by the keywords, content, and high-quality of videos and photos but also by brilliant and simple website design. Your website is the reflection of your face; it directly communicates with the customers sitting at the other end. In other words, whatever you are selling to the consumer should be boldly and clearly messaged on your site.
In other words, it should be simple and uncomplicated. The finest digital marketing company in Kharadi, Buzztag Media, has a panel of SEO experts and web designers that guide you on how to increase the performance and speed of your website to escalate your merchandise in no time. Users can hire Buzz Tag Media to fix a variety of issues on their website, such as reducing pop-ups, improving SEO friendliness, creating fast-loading websites, customizing websites, including your website in the Google index, creating user-friendly websites, and a variety of other marketing issues.
How Does Website Design Impact SEO and Branding
- Design:
Set your goal while designing the website; collect your content that connects customers with your brand; use appropriate keywords that increase the ranking in Google search. Add pay-per-click advertising on your website. These are factors that improve the design of the website. A website should have a unique and high-quality design.
- Navigation:
As the name suggests, navigation is the method by which customers and viewers find the content or service they are looking for. They should receive accurate information in a timely manner. As a standard rule, the website should have a bounce rate. Bounce rate is the guideline in digital marketing. Bounce rate is the percentage of viewers exiting the website without viewing the complete site. This decreases the ranking in search optimization. They should get relevant content on the website. This is called “clear navigation.”
- Fonts, Images, and Videos:
The site should have a straightforward and transparent design. The font size used should be a standard size. The content and details types on the website should be CSS rules. Users will lose patience navigating the site if the font size is too small. The photos and videos should be inspiring, educating, and entertaining. The photos communicate directly with the users. Videos should be optimized, attractive, and of high quality.
- Site Speed:
Check the speed of your website in your Google Page Speed insights. Check the score between 0 and 100. The authentic speed of the website should span between 92 and 95 km/h. Large file sizes can slow down the speed of your website.
These are all the golden rules and factors that should be kept in mind when building a website. Buzztag Media is the best marketing agency for creating a strong and robust website for your brand.