
Have you already purchased Dalmia Bharat Refractories Unlisted Shares and you want to sell on Planify?, then you are at right place because Planify is one the largest private investment platform. You can easily buy & sell Unlisted shares and Pre IPO shares by following some easy steps at Planify.
How to Sell Dalmia Bharat Refractories Unlisted Shares at Planify?
Have you already purchased Dalmia Bharat Refractories Unlisted Shares and you want to sell on Planify?, then you are at right place because Planify is one the largest private investment paltform. You can easily buy & sell Unlisted shares and Pre IPO shares by following some easy steps at Planify. First you have to visit website or download app from Play store and make signup. Complete your KYC and find latest share price before selling your shares and click on sell shares and now you can sell your shares. For more info you can make a call at our given number.