Can Dogs Detect Corona Virus?
Can Dogs Detect Corona Virus?
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect us, scientists from all over the world are working round the clock to develop real-time and rapid identification techniques for detecting SARS-CoV-2 (COVID virus) infected people in order to break the infection chain.

They are working tirelessly on any and all potential research. Also, they are embarking on one in which our four-legged friends, aka sniffer dogs, can detect virus-infected individuals. Just think about it! If that happens, we’ll have won the battle against coronavirus halfway through!

We will be able to scan and detect COVID-19 positive people with much less effort and resources. It will be easier to screen a large number of people at crowded places such as airports and stadiums to control the pandemic as compared to conventional testing methods such as RT-PCR.

So, can dogs really sniff out the COVID virus? You’ll be overwhelmed to know that the answer is yes! Studies from all around the globe say that experts have discovered that dogs can detect the imprints of scents left behind by some volatile organic compounds produced during respiratory infections with high precision. Let’s take a closer look at some intriguing studies and their findings that strengthen this possibility.

Studies suggest that dogs can detect coronavirus

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