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joined at 5 years ago

    Interview with Manish Godha, CEO Advaiya

    An exclusive interview with Manish Godha, CEO of Advaiya by Paul Dunay

    • kimhill

    Paving the Way to Growing Operations with Cloud-based E...

    Digital transformation for companies is a vital part of the current economy...

    • kimhill

    How to efficiently plan and manage projects using the p...

    A Project Portfolio Management (PPM) system’s goal is to successfully manag...

    • kimhill

    Advaiya is Leading the Technology Consulting and Implem...

    In an interaction with Mr. Manish Godha, Founder & CEO at Advaiya. He s...

    • kimhill

    Advaiya focuses on enterprise-level digital acceleratio...

    In an interaction with The Daily Guardian Review, Manish Godha, Founder &am...

    • kimhill

    Advaiya’s business analytics solutions for leveraging d...

    Unlock the full potential of data by leveraging data better with Advaiya's...

    • kimhill

    Comprehensive business management solutions - Microsoft...

    Advaiya is a cloud ERP solution provider that offers comprehensive business...

    • kimhill

    Digitally Transforming Customer Engagement In Professio...

    Online visibility, digital presence, social media, etc., all now are legiti...

    • kimhill

    Cloud Integration: Trends Defining Industry Development...

    Cloud integration and cloud data integration solutions have opened up whole...

    • kimhill

    Need for digital transformation in the services busines...

    As the world’s economy has modernized, it’s now dominated by service-centri...

    • kimhill

    Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator

    Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a managed cloud database (PaaS (Platform as...

    • kimhill

    Life Orientations® Virtual Blended Certification

    Life Orientations (LIFO)® Training is an applied behavioral science system....

    • kimhill

    Moving From Employees to People

    Employees are a company’s most valuable resource. Despite this, many busine...

    • kimhill

    The Pros and Cons of Freelancing or Independent Working

    Sharon was blankly staring into nowhere as her mind wandered and contemplat...

    • kimhill

    Pros and Cons of Hybrid Workforce

    With the current pandemic changing people's lifestyles and workstyle, hybri...

    • kimhill