
ChainYard and IBM Reduce the Onboarding Process
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Manufacturing
IBM and ChainYard are working to create a new platform in which they intend to streamline the B2B provider onboarding process while keeping risks low. The new platform will reduce the onboarding process from two months to just three days.
Honeywell Aerospace Creates an Online Marketplace for Parts
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Manufacturing
Another interesting case study is Honeywell Aerospace, as they want to create an e-commerce platform for aircraft parts. The e-commerce platform will reduce the time it takes to acquire new parts which usually takes months. It also includes intermediates, which means spending more money on airline companies. There are certainly many other things that are improving, including greater transparency, availability, and shipping.
Change Healthcare is Using Hyperledger Fabric to Improve the Claims Process
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Health
Change Healthcare wants to use Hyperledger to improve the claims process and therefore improve the transparency related to it. His focus is on building a better healthcare system by providing healthcare networks with a way to improve healthcare transactions and claims.
The results were also amazing as Hyperledger Fabric shows great capacity when it comes to handling transactions. It managed to do 50 million transactions per day in a test in 2018, which means 550 transactions per second.
BTP Simplifies Enterprise Blockchain Adoption
Technology used: Hyperledger Sawtooth
Industry: Cloud Computing, Blockchain, IT Services, and Technology
Here, the company Blockchain Technology Partners (BTP) is trying to ensure that blockchain networks can be maintained for a long time, rather than dying once installed or put into operation. This is why they used Hyperledger Sawtooth for the network and Kubernetes for the operational layer.
The project was quite successful at the end of 2018 and is now available on the AWS market. Recently, it also supports the DAML smart contract language to provide value to users.
British Columbia Reduces Red Tape Using Hyperledger Indy
Technology used: Hyperledger Indy
Industry: Technology, Blockchain, Government, Small Business
Canada, Ontario, and British Columbia created the Verifiable Organization Network (VON) that sponsors the project. The project aims to improve trust between small and medium-sized businesses with the government by providing an open software stack. The stack will help entrepreneurs create and manage digital relationships and help the government reduce or cut red tape.
The project found good support and success as it managed to include 529,000 business digital IDs and 1.4 million help server credentials.
Walmart Improves Transparency in Food Supply
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Agriculture, Retail, Supply Chain, Food
One of the famous use cases of Hyperledger is the food supply. Walmart is using Hyperledger Fabric to improve transparency in the food supply chain.
Their challenge was to reduce foodborne illness and one of the best ways to do that is to offer better traceability in the food supply chain. This will help companies act faster and also protect farmers’ livelihoods as they will be notified if something goes wrong.
The approach is to use Hyperleder Fabric, an authoritative distributed ledger technology. Then Walmart partnered with IBM to create a platform that will track food on every continent. The results were also promising, as they managed to trace the origin of 25 products as they passed through 5 different vendors, all through the Hyperledger Fabric system.
Circulor Resolves Conflicts in the Mining Industry by Providing Traceability
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Mining
There has always been a strong fight when it comes to mining. In this case study, we will learn how Rwanda, the largest tantalum supplier, struggles to show traceability.
To solve the problem of tracing the ore, they processed each bag of tantalum under the conditions approved by the OECD. This improved general circulation and improved confidence among consumers, as well as stopping child or slave labor.
ScanTrust Improves Supply Chain Transparency with Sawtooth
Technology used: Hyperledger Sawtooth
Industry: Commercial Goods, Supply Chain
ScanTrust will improve the transparency of your supply chain as they provide digital identity using cloud technology.
National Associations Improving Member Services with Fabric
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Digital Identity and Real Estate
National Associations are using Hyperledger Fabric to better serve realtor members. They currently represent 1.3 million members with 54 territorial associations and 1,200 local associations.
They want to improve their code of ethics by working together.
Sony Global Education Creates Next Generation Credential Platform with Fabric
Technology used: Hyperledger Fabric
Industry: Government, Education
Sony Global Education is working to create its next-generation credential platform with a consortium of organizations and government agencies.
His approach is to create a consortium of collaborators and then create a prototype blockchain solution. Once this is done, they will test the prototype with 250,000 participants. If all works well, they will release the credential platform to the world.
This brings us to the end of our Hyperledger use cases. We reviewed some interesting use cases and case studies from Hyperledger.
One thing you should also keep in mind is how often Hyperledger Fabric is used for real-world deployment.
But, it does not mean that there are fewer use cases or implementation of other projects. The reason is that other Hyperledger projects offer a specific use that causes them to be used less frequently.
So what do you think about the Hyperledger use cases discussed in this post? Do you think we should add more use cases to the list? Comment below and let us know.