
IAM(identity and access manegment)Why is blockchain (or, more generally, "blockchain technologies") touted as a useful solution to today's problems in online IAM(identity and access management)? While there is a great deal of enthusiasm associated with it and people are currently processing its use in a variety of settings, there are particular identity issues that some feel can be resolved with blockchain algorithms and related release.
First generation public blockchains
E .G. bitcoin and Enthurium
- Highly distributed, highly decentralized networks
- no permissions
- Public networks of peer-to-peer nodes Immutable by the real weight of the numbers in the network
- Immutable by the real weight of the numbers in the network
- Free and open source
Advanced/special purpose blockchain technologies
e.g. Corda BLOCKCHAIN, Fabric, Plenum, Hashgraph
- They tend to be more concentrated fewer participants or node
- Read or write access controls
- Can be a physical or virtual private network
- With a smaller pool of participants, tamper resistance may require traditional node security It can be proprietary software and a commercial network
- It can be proprietary software and a commercial network
cordapp development Immutable by the real weight of the numbers in the network With a smaller pool of participants, tamper resistance may require traditional node security
Free and open source It can be proprietary software and a commercial network
The intrinsic problem with purely virtual currency is that nothing inherently prevents money from being doubled: some form of oversight is required to prevent double spending. While various electronic money schemes have been around for decades (one of the earliest being Digicash founded in 1989), always had a central authority to control double spending. The corda blockchain development enabled the first peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, primarily Bitcoin, to operate without intermediaries and without a digital “reserve bank.” A massive public network monitors every movement of Bitcoin, and maintains a constantly growing ledger with only appendages (the blockchain) of every transaction made. Network nodes run open source blockchain software and are rewarded for their participation through random allocations of Bitcoin.
The original Bitcoin blockchain is highly distributed,without a single point of control (or failure) and cannot be altered once it was written. Being decentralized, virtually immutable, and cryptographically verifiable, this type of blockchain seems to lend itself to endless applications beyond payments, such as IAM, to reduce fraud, eliminate bottlenecks, and track the origin of complex multi-party data. These properties are important to IAM, which is why there was an acceleration in blockchain research and development for IAM, among many other things. The last four or five years have seen a hectic evolution. The original Bitcoin system and its closely related derivatives represent a class of blockchains. public . The most advanced descending algorithms, corda developement for use cases more complex than cryptocurrency, offer different combinations of properties.
Authentication and authorization
As noted above, IAM is evolving rapidly, stakes are high, and businesses face an increasingly complex and unknown digital identity landscape. When they work well, most IAM mechanisms are hidden from users, who are generally more interested in convenient and reliable access to services than being "identified" as such. Mobile technologies with strong cryptography and embedded biometrics have become popular authenticators. At the same time, there is widespread frustration and growing concern that too many digital companies know too much about us, and that control of our information and identity must be reclaimed by end users in some way.
When considering the interference potential of technologies like blockchain, it is even more important to clarify the problem we are trying to solve. If blockchain is seen as having the potential to improve the quality and availability of information about the parties with whom we are attempting to transact, then let us first review what authentication and authorization are basically all about.
The essential question in IAM can be formulated like this: in a particular context, what do you need to know about a counterparty in order to be able to transact with them (ie, accept a transaction or digital artifact from them)? In most business settings, knowing who someone is is less important than knowing what they are like. That is, for example, what is your professional qualification? Or your membership in an organization, relationship with a service provider, country of origin, right to receive government services, term as a business customer, or age, as applicable. These are the types of data (ie attributes) that are used in granular (or attribute-based) access control decisions.
These types of questions should be asked at design time, when performing a risk assessment of the intended transaction and discussing authentication and authorization requirements of hire corda blockchain development company Different ways can be explored for transaction systems to receive the necessary identity attributes at the right time, for example when users register for services, or when they perform transactions. This introduces a new set of design decisions: direct identification at registration need not be as rigorous, for example, if other risk mitigations (such as real-time risk scoring to detect fraud) are available. When designing identification systems, we must decide what quality of information is needed, where that information will be obtained, and how it will be validated.