A BEP20 Compliant Token Mines Over 1000% Profits Within 7 Days!
A BEP20 Compliant Token Mines Over 1000% Profits Within 7 Days!
PROMISE is a BEP20 compliant token that is based on trust
  • Purchasing the PROMISE token is very straightforward. This is the way to get it done:
  • Download Trust Wallet to your business gadget and save your seed expression.
  • Open the wallet and snap on BNB. Click Buy BNB or send existing BNB assets to your
  • wallet address.
  • In any case, on Trust Wallet, trade BNB token for Binance Smart Chain.
  • The following stage is to purchase PROMISE
  • Explore to where you will track down PancakeSwap and interface the trade with your wallet.
  • Select BNB and glue this location: 0xcbccf14b051947bdcd1e20b77015208a1ad5ea25. Then, enter how much PROMISE you wish to buy.
  • Tap the Change button.
  • You will get an affirmation message.

#bep20 token generator

#create bep20 token