
Ethereum is a popular open-source blockchain network that has an in-built cryptocurrency called Ether/ETH. Ethreum blockchain supports smart contracts functionality and widely used to develop decentralized applications, gamers, wallets, financial apps, etc. Ethereum’s purpose is to build blockchain applications so they have their network and also exclude middle-man who may steal data and track financial transactions. Ethereum has the second-largest capitalization in the market with more than 350% price increase this year. At the time of the announcement, Ether was trading between $3,543, up 2.64%. Vitalk Buterin is a co-founder of Ethereum.
Stellar is an open-source distributed blockchain ledger and also a digital currency developed by Stellar Development Foundation. Lumen is the organization’s currency that has a symbol XLM and is traded on different cryptocurrency platforms. Stellar is a blockchain-based Lumens are widely used by traders Stellar is another best blockchain-based network that connects banks, payment systems, and facilitates the cross-asset transfer of value, low cost, and payments. Stellar is an altcoin, for, five years it is performing with the best market cap of over 1 billion dollars.
Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source modular blockchain framework from Linux. It is a de-facto standard for enterprise blockchain platforms. The framework aims to develop enterprise-based applications and industry solutions. Hyperledger fabric’s modular design has custom plug-n-play components like membership services and consensus to accommodate a wide range of use cases.
The most prominent feature of Hyperledger fabric is to activate a network of networks. The data will be shared among the known network participants (permissioned) with its advanced privacy controls. The fabric uses Smart contracts to document the business processes and provides a secure and scalable platform that supports private contracts and confidential transactions.
Open chain is an open-source distributed ledger technology best suits enterprises wishing to manage digital assets in a secure, robust, and scalable manner. The open-chain does not have the concept of blocks instead, transactions are directly chained with one another rather than grouping as blocks. The transactions are directly linked to the chain once they are submitted to the network so that open-chain can provide real-time confirmations.
Tron is a blockchain-based decentralized platform that aims to develop a decentralized network similar to Ethereum. Tron gives access to DApp developers to create and control protocols using the smart contracts on the blockchain. Up to 200 transactions per second can be handled by the Tron platform that is similar to Paypal with no transaction fees. However, to secure the blockchain Tron has to depend on the Delegated-Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. Users can earn a passive income when they stake their assets in the networked wallet.
Non-fungible tokens are none other than digital assets created to track ownership of digital assets using blockchain technology. Non-fungible tokens are unique; they can’t be replaced with a similar one. But bitcoins are fungible and replaceable with a similar value. NFT’s are inimitable items like artwork, digital collectibles, music, videos, games, etc. As there is a huge rise in digital currencies like Ether and bitcoin, NFT is also growing rapidly with other cryptocurrencies and is being sold for millions of dollars.
Non-fungible tokens are created to represent digital items like artworks, digital collectibles, video games, music, digital currency, tokenized assets, etc. Digital artists can create their own NFT and sell them in the NFT development platform. It is very easy to create your NFT without any experience. Select the blockchain platform.
Ethereum is a popular blockchain platform. There are some there blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, WAX, Cosmos, Polkadot, and Tron which are gaining popularity. In Every blockchain, NFT’s have a separate token standard, wallets, and marketplace.