
The Madhya Pradesh Public ServiceCommission conducts various recruitment examinations so that the candidateswill be posted in various Government departments and offices situated in theMadhya Pradesh state. First, get to know the MPPSC exams syllabusand the MPPSC exam pattern. This is because every exam consists of many thingslike MPPSC exam syllabus, preparation time, sectional cutoffs, etc.
MPPSCPrelims Examination Pattern 2021
MadhyaPradesh Public Service Commission Exam’s syllabus is framed by the MadhyaPradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC). The MPPSC conducts CombinedCompetitive Examination (CCE) for the recruitments of various officers andemployees in a different department of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. MadhyaPradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) Prelims 2021 is like UPSC Prelims asit is nothing but the screening test to filter out candidates in the funnel ofMPPSC exams.
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MPPSC Prelims Syllabus
Madhya Pradesh Public ServiceCommission (MPPSC) Prelims 2021 is like UPSC Prelims as it is nothing but thescreening test to filter out candidates in the funnel of MPPSC exams.
The marks obtained in the prelimswon’t be considered in the final merit list. The detailed syllabus of MPPSCPrelims is given below:
Exam Type | Syllabus |
Prelim Paper-I General Studies | General Sciences Our Environment History of India Independent India Indian Politics and Economy Sports History, Geography and the Culture of Madhya Pradesh Information and Communication Technology |
Prelim Paper-II General Aptitude Test | Reading Comprehensions Interpersonal and communication skills Logical reasoning Analytical ability Problem-solving General mental ability Numerical Ability Hindi comprehensions (class-10th) |
MPPSC Preparation Tips
Aspirants beforeutilising the MPPSCNotes and MPPSC study material should know the followingthings about MPPSC Exam:
- There is no negative marking in MPPSC Prelims as stated in the MPPSC Notification.
- MPPSC Result for State Service Exam (Prelims) 2019-20 has been declared which can be checked by the candidates in the linked article.
Before aspirants start stressing out about theircompetency to sit for the exam, they go through the article to understandeverything about MPPSCPreparation. By the end of the reading, theywill get answers to the following questions:
- How to go about MPPSC exam preparation?
- How to make MPPSC notes?
- What MPPSC preparation books to read?
- How to follow MPPSC current affairs?
- Which is the best book for MPPSC preparation?
- How to make MPPSC GK notes in Hindi/English?
- From where to find MPPSC mains study material? Etc.
There is no excuse whatsoever for not having time. Preparing forany examination, it be university, aptitude for a job or MPPSC requires a plan.
Create a plan which incorporates how you are going to study. Theplan should include the time for each skill (Listening, Writing, Reading, andSpeaking). Do not underestimate and skill.
Some people tend to concentrate on Reading and Writing. However,it is important that you master the tricks of answering the listening sections.
§ Read YourTextbooks
§ Read yourtextbooks first and make jotting the second time you read them. Never go in formaking jotting from the moment you start reading your textbooks. When you readyour textbooks for the first time, don’t start making jotting there and then.For the first turn, just read the book and underline/ highlight the importantthings.
§ You aresupposed to start making jotting when you start reading the books for MPPSCpreparation for the second time. Second time reading will help you understandthe important points of the chapter and the things you need to remember.
§ MakeBullet Points
§ This is avery important part of making notes for MPPSC exampreparation. Always keep in mind that the NCERT notes for MPPSC you make arein bullet form. They should be short points which are crisp and easy tounderstand.
§ Longparagraphs are a waste of time and it adds no extra value to the jotting. Theway we write our notes is the way we also write in the exam. So, make sure thatyou write your jotting in the bullet format as this is the best way of writinganswers in the exam as well.
§ Make ShortMPPSC Notes for yourPreparation
§ Record-makingis a very lengthy process but it is one of the most beneficial parts ofstudying. When I was making records, I always made sure that all my records areshort and to the point so that I could study them just before my exam.
§ Forexample, I made notes for modern history. Modern History has a vast syllabus,but in my records, they turned out to be 15 pages only which were very easy toread just a day before the examination. It made my task a whole lot easier andhelped me to revise the entire syllabus in just a few hours. Learn how to makeshorter & effective notes for MPPSC preparation.
§ UseCurrent Affairs as a Part of Your Note-Making
§ When youread a newspaper there are a lot of articles which are directly related to someof the other subjects. Always try making records or short points for thearticles or editorials which you think are important. I used to make my currentaffair records in “Ever note” and during the exam combined those currentaffairs with my answers. Learn how to prepare current affairs for MPPSCpreparation.
§ Forexample, in the GS II paper which is regarding Polity and Governance, therewere a lot of updates. So there was a Supreme Court judgment on Right toPrivacy which had a lot of articles and editorials coming up and what I did wasmake notes on them and club them together.
§ I used allthose points in my answer in the examination which I guess helped me fetch moremarks. Writing an answer which is related to current affairs always helps youget more marks compared to writing a generic answer.
Inthe case of most entrance examinations, include MPPSC, one can learn newconcepts only until a particular date. After that, a lot of revision must beundertaken. Despite efforts made by coaching classes, students will have tospend time revising previous concepts.