How to make Word Press ecommerce website
How to make Word Press ecommerce website
Select the theme template for your website. There is free ecommercetheme for WordPress is available. You’ll simply download it.

How to make Word Press ecommerce website

How to make Word Press ecommerce website

·        Install Word Press software: First of all, install the Word Press software. Login to cPanel of your system and click on setup.

·        Select the theme template for your website. There is free ecommercetheme for WordPress is available. You’ll simply download it.

·        Add e-commerce plug-in to the web site. Download GoogleWord Press eCommerce plug-in and install the files to activate plugins. You ought to see the links on the sidebar like product details, transaction results, checkout, your account, etc.

·        Now, add your products to the web site. Set certain parameters like payment options, countries, etc. before adding the small print about your products. You’ll add as many items as you would like.

·        Search engine optimization: for creating your web site program friendly, you ought to install an All-in-One SEO Pack to the web site. This tool will optimize the title and outline Meta tags in order that Google can crawls your sites.