Beyond Parallel Strength And Fitness | Industrial Athletics
Beyond Parallel Strength And Fitness | Industrial Athletics
Not many programs outside of Crossfit utilize kipping pull-ups to the extent that we do. Kipping allows us to perform high volume of movements (such as pull-ups and toes-to-bar) quickly and efficiently. For that reason it is tempting to start kipping as soon as possible to help get through the WOD. However, there is a right time to start kipping, and chances are that time is not now.

Beyond Parallel Strength And Fitness | Industrial Athletics

Not many programs outside of Crossfitutilize kipping pull-ups to the extent that we do Cross Fit Gyms In Pittsburgh. Kipping allows us to performhigh volume of movements (such as pull-ups and toes-to-bar) quickly andefficiently. For that reason it is tempting to start kipping as soon aspossible to help get through the WOD. However, there is a right time to startkipping, and chances are that time is not now.