
Podcasts aren’t a new concept. Initially, podcasts were treated as a novelty, something only a nerd or geek would know about or listen to. However, over time, they have gained their own place in the mainstream media. The reason for their popularity could be that podcasts are both entertaining and educational. Moreover, you can tune into them and listen to them whenever you want from anywhere in the world. You could be doing your laundry or cooking a meal while listening to your favorite podcast, it’s that convenient! The digital world is cluttered with all kinds of content, and it is rare to find calm and focus somewhere. But with podcasts, it is possible to restore that peaceful state of mind. Here’s what listening to a self-growth podcast can do for you:
Reduces stress and anxiety
Anxiety stems from worrying and anticipating too much about the future. Listening to other people sharing their stories and experiences can help you deal with certain situations and handle anxiety in a better way.
Learning new things
No matter what position we’re on in our lives, or what we have achieved, there is always some room for improvement, and learning should never stop. You are never too old to pick up a new hobby or interest. Even if you have a busy schedule, podcasts give you the freedom to listen to them whenever you have time. You can turn into a podcast about business or marketing, learn a new language, or simply tune into a self-growth podcast and discover new things about yourself.
Encourages imagination
Unlike videos, podcasts do not depend upon visuals to put their point forward. Instead, listeners need to be creative with their imagination. Narrative stories, like pods and audiobooks, allow listeners to use their imagination to create mental pictures of the characters and the storyline. There have been several studies proving the importance of ideation in the overall development of the brain. Listening to a story enhances your brain’s visual abilities. When you read in a traditional format, your brain creates more imagery than when you read in a visual format.
How to get the most value from a self-growth podcast?
Merely subscribing to a bunch of podcasts and calling it a day doesn’t cut it. You need to make the best of them and here are some helpful tips on how you can do that- You do not have to stick to one playback speed and you can play around with the playback speed to make it more interesting and get the most value out of it. If you think that the podcast is too general, you can double up the speed to not miss out on anything important whilst saving your own time.
This strategy also comes in handy when you’re in a hurry but still want to catch up to your favorite podcaster. Adaptive AI technology makes it easy to make any podcast as fast or slow as you’d like. Apart from that, You can also use the podcast notes for an added benefit. It is not unusual for podcasters to use the text-to-podcast AI tool, which can convert their text to speech. You can use this feature to enrich your learning even more.
The Bottom Line
We hope by now you’ve been persuaded to give a self-growth podcast a try. Join us on our podcast Nobody Told Me Show to listen to the journeys of hundreds of people like you and what they’d wish someone had told them at the lowest point of their lives.
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