
Yoga Sadhana is a well-established international Yoga Shala since 2014, Yoga Sadhana means the practice of Yoga, it was co-founded by a Guru and a Sishya, Acharya Shri Parveen Nair and his senior disciple Shri Ramana Louis. Yoga Sadhana is the pioneer and the only Yoga studio in Melaka City in Malaysia that is internationally recognized and fully equipped with our customized yoga props and equipment. Yoga Sadhana now has 4 branches worldwide, Malacca Malaysia, Rishikesh India, Shenzhen China, and Phnom Penh Cambodia. Bringing and embracing yoga practitioners around the world together as one family.
Our This 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh boasts the highest caliber of yoga experiential education from both teachers who have been Yoga Mentors over 18 years .
- In this training, students will deepen their understanding of each asana taught with their focused awareness on not just the physical body but also on targeted chakras with an awareness of breath and prana.
- Introducing the concept of Kriya
- Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and Shatkriya SessionTopicsPranayama SessionThis session on Traditional techniques of Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and Shatkriya sessions will constitute learning sessions on various pranayama techniques chosen from-
- Activating e.g. Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Swan Pranayama, Agnisara kriya
- Cooling e.g. Sheetali, Sheetkari
- Balancing e.g. Nadi Shodhana with different ratio of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka and
- Tranquilizing category e.g. Bhramari, Ujjayi. Students will also learn to practice advanced pranayama in conjunction with energy locks (bandha) and mudras.
Mudra Session
In the mudra section, we will be teaching practical techniques of Yoga Mudras chosen from five major categories-
- Hand Mudra e.g. Chin Mudra, Gyana Mudra, Hridaya Mudra, Yoni Mudra, Bhairava Mudra
- Head Mudra e.g. Shambhavi, Nasikagra Drishti or Aghochari mudra, Bhoochari Mudra, Khechari mudra, Akashi Mudra
- Postural Mudra e.g. Vipreet Karani Mudra, Prana Mudra, Yoga Mudra
- Bandha Mudra (Lock Mudra) e.g Maha Mudra
- Adhara Mudra (Perineal Mudra) e.g. Ashwini mudra, Vazroli, and Sahjoli mudra
In the Bandha practice, they will learn and practice the techniques of 4 bandhas-
- Jalandhar Bandha
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Mula Bandha
- Maha Bandhas
These bandhas will be taught in conjunction with pranayama techniques.
Every weekend will be dedicated for learning and practicing the techniques of different Shatkriyas such as Jal Neti, Neti with Catheter, Kunjal, Laghu Shankhaprakshalana (Intestinal wash) along with Nauli, Kapalbhati, and Trataka.
Practical Meditation Session
In this practical meditation session, students will learn the techniques of practicing different meditation techniques sourced from Tantras and Upanishads.
The different meditation techniques taught during the course are
- Yoga Nidra
- Prana Nidra
- Ajapa Japa Dharana in Spiral Psychic Passage
- Chakra Shuddhi
- Ajna Chakra Dharana
- Tattva Dharana on symbols and expressions of Tattvas
- Tattva Shuddhi
- Trataka on candle and Yantras.