
Even today, many people get confused between UI and UX design. Being the top UI UX design agency in Mumbai, we very well know what the two really mean.
Here, we bring you this really short but concise article to explain how both of them differ.
Let’s get started.
First things first. UX and UI are not the same thing.
To be very clear, UX stands for user experience and it is about how a user feels whenever they interact with a product or service. It’s not a physical, tangible thing—it’s the ease and user-friendliness of the interaction as a whole.
UI stands for user interface and it specifically refers to the touchpoints a person uses to engage with a digital product. It can be screens, buttons and other visual and interactive features that the user interacts with a digital product, be it a web or mobile app, platform or website.
Main points of difference between UI and UX design
UX is all about the overall experience and the impression it leaves on the user. It is not a tangible aspect, but it is the result of an overall product or service being clear, intuitive and easy to use vs. confusing, clunky and frustrating. UI is just concerned with one very specific aspect of the whole experience: the design of the interface a person uses to interact with a digital product.
UX is heavily steeped in research, analysis and understanding user needs. UI is also user-focused but it’s primarily concerned with visual and interactive design. UI is certainly the more artistic discipline of the two, while UX is more about problem-solving.
UX is a very broad term that covers any and all kinds of human experiences and interactions, such as going into a library to borrow a book, using an app or website to book flights or even going to the dentist. UI design only relates to digital products and experiences, as it is the design of user interfaces—the touchpoint between humans and computers.
If you have an amazing product idea, let’s talk and build it together. We have experienced and skilled UX designers as well as UI designers, who can take on challenging projects and deliver satisfactorily. Get in touch with us at: