
7 Key FactsAbout CBD You Should Know
CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis. Through the years, it has been the focus of various research studies because of the huge potential it has for promotinghealth and well-being. If you are curious about CBD and what it can do, below are some CBD facts for you:
1. It is an FDA-approved treatment for epilepsy.
Not too long ago, the Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD-based medication for the treatment of epilepsy. Named Epidiolex, it went through careful and meticulous studies and tests to ensure that it was a safe treatment for people who suffer seizures from two rare types of epilepsy – Lennox-GastautandDravet syndrome.
2. It may help relieve pain.
In a 2020 study, participants with peripheral neuropathy in their legs were given CBD for pain relief. After a month, findings showed that they experienced a significant decrease in the intensity of pain sensations.
3. It may help with depression, anxiety, and stress.
Certain research suggests that CBD may have a positive effect on people who suffer from depression, anxiety, or stress. Based on the findings of one study, participants who consumed CBD before an anxiety-inducing activity, such as public speaking, felt less anxious. Other studies have found that CBD may have anti-depressant capabilities and may also be able to reduce cortisol levels in the body.
4. It may be good for the brain.
Researchers found that CBD has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are essential for brain health. With CBD, people who have Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and other neurodegenerative diseases may reduce or slow down their symptoms.
5. It may help treat certain skin problems.
Some studies found that CBD demonstrated anti-aging and anti-itch properties that may help treat certain skin problems, such as acne, itchiness, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. The findings also suggested CBD’s potential in helping treat skin cancer.
6. It has some potential risks.
CBD also comes with some side effects. Examples of the commonly reported ones are:
· Diarrhea
· Drowsiness
· Fatigue
· Increased or reduced appetite
7. It is available in different forms.
There are several forms of CBD available today, such as:
· CBD oil
· CBD capsules, tablets, and pills
· CBD gummies, cookies, brownies, etc.
· CBD teas, coffees, etc.
· CBD creams, lotions, ointments, etc.
How can you find the right CBD product for your needs?
Because of how popular CBD has become in recent years, finding the right CBD product for your needs should not be hard. The internet is a good place to start your search for a CBD product that can help you with your health issues. Just look up“best CBD gummystore” or “where to buy the best CBD gummies online.” From the search results, you can select the best CBD gummy store where you can get the best CBD gummies for your needs.
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