
Clinitek Advantus - A Semi Automated Urine Analyzer for Point-Of-Care Testing
A semi automated urine analyzer for point-of-care testing, Clinitek Advantusfrom Siemensis the newest addition to the Clinitek® group of urine analyzers. There are some unique features that you'll need to POCT of. It is a good accessory for any laboratory office setting, enabling hospitals and laboratories to offer a high level of service.
Today's laboratories and physician offices face more challenges than before. Laboratory professionals want to do more tasks faster, and infrequently interruptions might occur, which can give rise to timing errors. Siemens introduced its Clinitek Advantus urinalysis device with special target providing efficient, improved workflow and clinical information at the point of care.
Get Accurate and Reliable Recent results for Clinical Urine Analysis
The Clinitek Advantus Analyzer can perform approximately 500 tests per hour. Within minimum time, laboratory professionals can obtain accurate and reliable latest results for clinical urine analysis. Incorporated with advanced functionalities, the analyzer provides automated reading in the Multistix® group of urinalysis test stripsin medium to high throughput settings. Moreover, this analyzer is network-ready featuring advancements such as ability to consolidate microscopy test results. Results could be entered through analyzer's PC What Does POCT mean or touch screen.
Get a Reliable Lab Equipment Dealer
Once you buy the Siemens Clinitek Advantus urine analyzer, it is crucial to get a reliable dealer. Due to the Internet, it truly is increasingly simple to locate quality urine analyzers that will meet your needs. Make an intensive search over the internet, to get a dependable Point-of-care testing offering quality laboratory equipment at affordable prices. Whether your requirement is to get a semi automated urine analyzer for point-of-care testing or simply a chemistry analyzer, these dealers can be of great help. Besides helping to obtain the device most apt for the job, the majority of the dealers provide assistance with the repair, installation, and maintenance services in the lab equipment you purchase.
Block Scientific proudly offers a vast personal choice of laboratory products and supplies from Siemens. Block Scientific is a respected laboratory equipment supplier offering a thorough choice of laboratory equipment [], both new and reconditioned models.