
How to study at home for MPPSC exam?
In MP, many candidates apply for MPPSC, but very few can achieve their goals. The syllabus of MPPSC exam is vast and this exam is one of the toughest state level competitive exam, so one needs to work very hard to achieve your goals regarding MPPSC. Merely completing the entire syllabus for MPPSC exam will not be enough for a candidate to prepare for the exam. It is essential for a candidate to have knowledge about all the recent events all over the world. Also, if the candidate clears all the levels of the exam, he/she will be interviewed at the last stage by the MPPSC board to assess whether the candidate is eligible for the job or not, so the candidate should develop himself/herself. Personality in such a way that it can be selected.
Hence, it is important to know the ways to prepare yourself for MPPSC and this article will provide this information so that it can be helpful for the aspirants.
Preparing for MPPSC exam
As a candidate who is going to appear in the upcoming MPPSC exam, the tips discussed in this article will help him to prepare properly for the MPPSC exam.
Study for MPPSC at Home:
Tip 1 - Prepare Mentally
- Firstly, it is important for the candidates to prepare themselves to start their studies for the MPPSC exam.
- After that, one should understand the pattern of MPPSC exam. There are three stages under this exam and they are preliminary, main and the final stage is the interview.
- If the candidate is employed then the study time needs to be allotted separately.
- Being employed, MPPSC exam preparation can be done easily with the help of internet.
Tip 2: Creating a Time Table
- It becomes easy for a candidate to prepare properly for the MPPSC exam if a proper time table is made and followed.
- A proper timetable is very effective for balancing all the tasks and preparing for the exam.
- The students who join mppsc coaching in indore has make schedule if you are preparing from home you must follow a time table as other aspirants are doing.
Tip 3: Go through MPPSC Syllabus
- Before starting the study, candidates should understand the syllabus of MPPSC Prelims along with Mains Exam - mppsc syllabus.
- It is necessary to know the syllabus so that the right selection of subjects can be done.
Tip 4: NCERT Textbooks
- Aspirants can get help from NCERT textbooks to prepare themselves for the MPPSC exam.
- From class 6th to class 12th, all NCERT textbooks must be followed to acquire basic knowledge.
- Questions were asked from NCERTs in MPPSC exams in earlier years, so NCERT textbooks should be followed along with other progressive textbooks as they provide comprehensive and logical information.
Tip 5: Short Notes
- It is very important for the candidates to make short MPPSC notes for exam preparation.
- Candidates cannot revise the entire syllabus before the exam, so candidates are helped by short notes to revise all the topics relevant.
- If candidates make notes properly in separate notebooks for each subject, then it will be effective for their preparation as they will be able to identify and revise the relevant information.
Tip 6: Reading Newspapers for Latest Information
- It is very important for MPPSC aspirants to read newspapers to get updates about recent events.
- Strong knowledge about current affairs will help aspirants to crack the MPPSC exam.
Tip 7: Magazines
- Few magazines can help in getting the important information needed to crack the MPPSC exam.
- Kurukshetra, Yojna are some of the relevant magazines.
Tip 8: Solving Previous Years MPPSC Question Papers
- Solving mppsc previous years papers will help the candidates to understand the level and pattern of questions in the paper.
- They will come to know how much hard work and ability is required to crack the MPPSC exam.
Tip 9: Appearing for Mock Tests
- If one is preparing for MPPSC exam at home then it is essential to attend a series of mock tests to get a clear idea of the mains exam.
- Candidates will be able to identify in which subject they are strong and where are they weak, hence, they will get an opportunity to focus on their shortcomings to improve themselves.
- If you are preparing for home then it will be a helpful if you join any mppsc online coaching classes they will provide your study material and mppsc test series also.
Tip 10: Important Government Resources
- Aspirants can depend on many government sources while preparing for the MPPSC exam. There are many government websites that can help candidates like PRS.
Tip 11: Practice Answering Questions
- Study for MPPSC at Home: The ability to write answers in the exam concisely and appropriately will develop if candidates practice writing answers at home.
- Candidates will not get enough time to think before writing the answer and it will be useless if they write irrelevant points in the answer in a hurry, hence, it is important to practice writing the correct answer.
- Candidates should have a clear concept about all the topics and important points in their answers and the ability to organize their thoughts perfectly.
Tip 12: MPPSC Interview
- Candidates need to improve their personality such as their communication skills, self-possession, alertness, etc to clear the interview stage which is the last stage of the exam.
- All questions in that interview should be answered confidently and accurately.
- Questions may be asked regarding the personal experience of the candidate, his/her interests etc. It is necessary to remain positive all the time to remain confident to appear in the MPPSC exam.
- Though the journey to prepare yourself for the exam is tough, one should not lose hope.
Tip 13: Revision
- To crack one of the toughest exams, it is extremely important to revise important topics again and again.
- It is important to remember each topic of all the subjects.