
In Brief
· You will find the best manuscript/dissertation formatting for future researches who enrolled in Engineering and technology & Business and management research work.
· To identify future research topics, we have reviewed the all kind of literature (recent peer-reviewed studies).
· PhD degree students are suffered in doing format the dissertation when it comes to any dissertation or journal paper.
· Basic Dissertation text must be a non-italic font style, and font size is 12 points or larger.
PhD degree students are suffered in doing format the dissertation Manuscript when it comes to any dissertation or journal Manuscript paper. Here, I briefly explain “what are the rules should be followed when you are formatting your dissertation or thesis.” It is an imperative thing to understand each thing carefully before submitting for dissertation approval. Let us understand in detail.
Dissertation must be submitted in the PDF format
· The standard document page size should be 8.5*11 inches and any compelling reasons it may get increases, but before that, you must contact the committee to get approval.
Font face and appearance:
Basic Dissertation text must be a non-italic font style, and font size is 12 points or larger. A dissertation size may vary based on the university graduation division/committee. Especially, for figures, captions, footnotes, charts, graph and a table, the font size is 8-point/larger is to be used, and it is important that your basic dissertation content must be black in font colour. You may add colours in other areas also depend on your appointed committee. In addition, you may allow using italic font style in words in the foreign language, book titles, captions, quotations, and footnotes. Notably, you may use the different font for the following places likes charts, graphs, drawings, appendices and tables. Talk to Experts Now
The dissertation peer reviewed document consists of preliminary pages, the main body of content and references. The page number should be positioned either lower right corner, upper right corner or the bottom corner. It should be positioned ¾ inches from the edges. The page should be positioned on all the pages of the document as well as do not count number for the title/copyright page.
· Preliminary pages including a table of content, acknowledgement, dedication page, a number of figures, tables, preface, illustrations/photographs, symbols, introduction must be number the position using lower case Roman numerals (I, ii, iii,iv…), and main body of content and reference start numbering (1,2,3….) throughout remaining document of the content, including bibliography, illustrative materials and appendices.
· The first page of your abstract and first page of main body text starts with “1” (two times repeat the number “1” in both pages)
Spacing and margins:
Your dissertation document should be single point spaced in the whole document including abstract, introduction, dedication and acknowledgement. When coming to margins, the entire dissertation document margin should have at least one inch from the edges of the paper. In addition, page numbers must be ¾ of an inch from the edge. You may decrease the size of the dissertation margin but make sure that the resulting page is very clear and legible.
Table, graphs, and smart charts:
Table, graphs, and chart may be presented horizontally or vertically but should be fixed with the dissertation margins
Special page formatting
Some of the pages in the dissertation should be formatted in a special way.
· Abstract page: It is an optional page, but students could add this page to add the impressions to the dissertation, so it numbered separately starting with Arabic numerals “1.”
· Title page: It does not consist of any page numbers, and you can include your joint degree in the title page
· Signature page: No page number/notations are needed. You must add your name and title
Organize your Dissertation
It is important to organize your dissertation properly in the following order:
· Title page
· Copyright page/bank page
· Preliminary pages (Optional)
· Abstract
· Dedication page
· Table of content
· List of tables, figures, chart, symbols
· Introduction page or preface
· Acknowledgement
· Curriculum vitae
· Main body text
· Bibliography/references
· Appendices