
If your job roles and responsibilities harmonize with the ones in ANZSCO Software Tester 261314, you can migrate to Australia. However, you mustn’t forget that you have to fulfill the ACS Migration skills assessment criteria. Only by fulfilling this requirement, you will be able to migrate to Australia.
So, let’s know what these requirements are.
ACS skills assessment requirements for Software Tester 261314
Only when a candidate is exempt in very limited circumstances, they don’t need to go through this assessment. However, apart from those circumstances, you have to achieve a positive ACS skills assessment to apply for any visas for Australian immigration.
ACS, the Australian Computer Society, will assess your competency. So, to win a successful assessment, satisfy the following criteria:
Having an equivalent qualification to AQF Bachelor Degree or higher with an ICT Major
If you have done a course with an ICT Major related to this occupation, satisfy the following needs:
2-year related work experience acquired within the past 10 years, or
4-year relevant work experience gained anytime in your previous work history
If done a course with an ICT Major unrelated to the Software Tester 261314 occupation, meet the following criteria:
4-years of related work experience gained anytime in your previous work history
Having a comparable qualification to AQF Bachelor Degree or higher with an ICT Minor
If having completed a course with an ICT Minor relevant to this occupation, satisfy the following requirements:
5 years of related work experience gained in the past 10 years, or
6 years of relevant work experience gained anytime in your previous work history
If done a course with an ICT Minor unrelated to the occupation, satisfy the below-given requirements:
6 years of related work experience gained anytime in your previous work history
A qualification equivalent to AQF Diploma or Vendor Certification
If done a course with an ICT Major relevant to this occupation, meet the following requirements:
5-year related work experience gained within the past 10 years, or
6 years of related work experience attained anytime in your previous work history
If you have completed a course with an ICT Major irrelevant to this occupation, the requirements are below:
6 years of related work experience attained anytime in your previous work history.
ACS also accepts prior learning (RPL).
If having a Non-ICT Qualification comparable to AQF Diploma or higher, satisfy the following requirements:
6 years of related work experience attained anytime in your previous work history, and
Recognition of Prior Learning application
If without even a tertiary qualification but with work experience, meet the following needs:
8 years of related work experience, and
Recognition of Prior Learning Application
To be kept in mind: An RPL application requires you to demonstrate the way you earned your ICT knowledge for an RPL ACS Australia assessment. For that, it is a must for you to submit 2 Project Reports with your application.
The below-given Vendor Certification ACS accepts because they are equivalent to an AQF Diploma level qualification:
Cisco Certifications
Microsoft Certifications
An Australian qualification with accreditation from ACS will have more chances of fulfilling the ICT Major Criteria. However, it may not necessarily be evaluated as being relevant to the occupation you choose. So, make sure that you choose the correct occupation.
The authority will count employment completed after the date when you have satisfied the ACS Suitability Criteria as Skilled Employment. In other words, it will not take your pre-qualification employment experience into account.
English language requirements
The following English language eligibility criteria you need to fulfill as a Software Tester 261314
· An IELTS result whose minimum score should be 6 (R, L, W), 7 in speaking and 7 overall,
· PTE Academic with a minimum score of 50 (W, R, L), 65 in speaking and 65 overall
· TOEFL iBT which your score must be (L: 12, R: 13, W: 21 overall L93)
· An OET result with at least a grade of B in all sections
Tasks you need to perform as a Software Tester 261314
As a Software Tester, you need to perform the following tasks
Consult, research, measure and evaluate system program requirements.
Identify technology shortcomings and deficiencies in current systems and related mechanisms, techniques and methods.
Debug, test, diagnose and correct errors and faults in an application programming language. You have to do all these things under specified evaluation procedures, requirements and consistency needs. Doing all this will help you ensure that programs and apps comply with specifications.
Write and maintain software code to fulfill system criteria, system architecture and technical specifications in harmony with consistency accredited standards.
Modify, write and manage the technical program, end-user documentation and operational procedures.
Offer recommendations, experience and feedback on designing ideas and plans for program design operations. They can be like financial estimations and costs for recommending software purchases and upgrades.