What is dApp and How it Works
What is dApp and How it Works
Webisoft is a leading dApp and Web3 development company based in Montreal, Canada.

Decentralized applications are a new way of developing and deploying software that offers many advantages over traditional, centralized applications. Decentralized applications are distributed, meaning that they are not centralized on a single server or group of servers. This makes them more resistant to attacks, as there is no single point of failure. Decentralized applications are also more scalable, as they can be easily deployed on a large number of servers. Decentralized apps are applications that run on a distributed ledger.  They enable users to access content, store information, store value, and trade using cryptographic tokens.  Some decentralized applications work offline, and do not require a network connection, while others rely on a peer-to-peer connection using a blockchain.

Decentralized applications (popularly abbreviated as dApps) are programs that run on a blockchain, and whose data is stored across a peer-to-peer network. Facebook, Twitter, and Google are centralized (single point) services. If you delete your account, you are “deleted” from that service by default. With decentralized apps (DApps), users have full control and ownership of their data.

With many advantages that come with a Decentralised system, there are some disadvantages as well; one of the disadvantages of decentralized apps is that they can be more difficult to develop than traditional apps. Developing decentralized apps also tend to be more expensive, as they require more time and effort to create. Additionally, decentralized apps can be more difficult to use, as they often require users to have a certain level of technical knowledge. Finally, decentralized apps can be more susceptible to security risks, as they are often built on top of decentralized platforms that are less secure than traditional centralized platforms.