
I test hundreds of beauty products a month, and this gel moisturizer is so refreshing in the summer. When you test as many products as I do, there aren't many firsts in the beauty world. So let me tell you, I went nuts the first time I tried the freezable smoothie moisturizer, from Skin Proud.
The Frozen Over gel moisturizer can be used at room temperature or in the refrigerator to make the gel a mud-like consistency. It sat in my tasting box for two weeks, until one summer day when hotter than hell made me desperate to cool off.
One afternoon, I took a nap and took "Frozen Over" out of the fridge. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much; I keep some beauty products in the fridge, and while they're refreshing beauty products and help with bloating, they're not really groundbreaking. But when I dipped my finger into the snow-like texture of Skin Proud, I was stunned.
After two hours in the fridge, the gelatinous lotions I had briefly tested were now literally smoothies, like movie theater smoothies or 7-Eleven slurpees. It's crisp and cool, but less exciting and painful than the face-soaking beauty products trick peddled by Joan Crawford and Paris Hilton (believe me, I've tried it).
Now in the store: $16;
I apply a thin layer and watch my skin gulp it down. I'm not exaggerating when I say there were no visible traces or residues for 45 seconds; It absorbs immediately.
I can tell what I missed in applying the first layer -- everything Frozen touches glows with a subtle sheen that makes the missing look dull by comparison. I put two more on my face and chest -- yes, because I'm obsessed with the consciousness-raising smoothie, but also because my skin keeps absorbing it. Even after the last layer, there's no residue left.
My skin feels softer; The combination of the hyaluronic acid complex with aloe vera is due to excellent hydration benefits. As an added bonus, the gelatinous slush also contains plenty of lemon extract to brighten skin tone.
I've only ever used powdery skin moisturizer -- the cold sensation is like a small dose of cryotherapy that counteracts the redness I sometimes wake up with, but without it, it safely melts back into its original texture. Tip for when the heat wave hits: I also like to apply it to my face and all parts of my body.
Go to Walmart and buy your $16 summer moisturizer savior.