
Supermarine Swift
The Supermarine Swift was a British single-seat fighter aircraft that played a key role during the Battle of Britain. It was one of the very first monoplane fighters and its design was based on the successful Spitfire, but it had some significant differences compared to its more famous predecessor.
One of the most important differences was that the single-seat cockpit was located in the middle of the fuselage, instead of at the nose as on the Spitfire. Since it was easier to control with a single pilot, this layout made it possible to fit two machine guns in front of the pilot. This meant that the Swift could be used by two pilots at the same time which greatly increased its combat capabilities. The wings were also different from those on Spitfires so they could accommodate more fuel and ammunition without sacrificing maneuverability. The Swift also had a more powerful engine than that of other fighters at the time, which allowed it to reach higher speeds and maintain them longer. There is a lot of interesting information on our website. Please visit for more information.