
The Covid-19 second wave has already begun, and manycountries are getting affected by this deadly fatal disease. Even though thevaccine is developed and is administered to people but the amount of populationworldwide is enormous, and the number of vaccines available is less. Hence, therisk of the infection spreading rapidly looms again, and it is alreadybreaching risky marks in many countries.
Tips ToStay Healthy During Lockdown
The Covid-19 second wave has already begun, and manycountries are getting affected by this deadly fatal disease. Even though thevaccine is developed and is administered to people but the amount of populationworldwide is enormous, and the number of vaccines available is less. Hence, therisk of the infection spreading rapidly looms again, and it is alreadybreaching risky marks in many countries.
Therefore, the chances of lockdown are quite high, and insome places, it has already been implemented. The first lockdown period wasquite grueling, and it has made a permanent mark in our minds, which wouldremain for a lifetime. Being locked up at home can be very punishing, and itcan upset your mind and body health. Hence, it becomes important to maintain yourphysical and mental fitness during the Covid-19 lockdown, so you don’t faceother health issues due to it. Here are some of the health tips you can followto keep your wellbeing if you have to face the issue of lockdown again.
Confinement at home can feel like punishment as your outdooractivities get stalled. However, you must not restrict your movement due tothat and keep your body moving. Taking a stroll or a walk in the house is oneof the ways to do that. If you have a big balcony or have access to theapartment terrace, then you can make use of that. The idea is to engage in someactivity that can provide some movement to your body and help to keep it fit.
Following aroutine
Spending time in a lockdown can be harsh as boredom and lethargycreep in due to the stoppage of outdoor activities. However, if you make aschedule and follow it routinely, then it will keep your mind and body bothengaged. Set a pattern and timing that defines your waking up time, breakfast,doing household jobs, work from home schedule, lunch, other activities, dinner,and bedtime.
Yoga andmeditation
Yoga and meditation are considered the best health therapyand stress busters and are effective in many ways. By doing them, it will ease the tension andworries that you encounter during the Covid lockdown time. There are variousasana and breathing exercises that you can do while doing meditation and yoga.You can find tutorials through online videos which will guide you to do theappropriate yoga in the correct way.
Play games
Playing games can help to interact with other members of thefamily and also engage your mind. There are many indoor and board gamesavailable which you can play with your family members. If you have a backyardor a big compound in your apartment, then you can play with your dog, boxcricket, badminton, and few other outdoor games.
Social isolation can take a toll on your mind during thelockdown, and hence it is important that you stay connected with your friendsand close relatives. Voice calling, video calling, messaging, connectingthrough social media are some of the ways to stay connected.