Six Ways To Add Omega To Your Diet
Six Ways To Add Omega To Your Diet
However, our body is unable to make this fatty acid from scratch. Therefore, we must get it from our food. There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acid, which are called ALA, DHA, and EPA and our diet must contain sources that give us all these types of Omega.

Did you know that about 60% of your brain is made of fat,and half of those fats are types of Omega?

Omega 3 is part ofthe family of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). These fatty acids areessential fats that help our body in several ways. The brain uses Omega 3 tobuild brain and nerve cells that are essential for learning and memory. Thesehealthy fats are also commonlyassociated with heart health and have been proven to help prevent cardiacdisease and strokes. Omega 3 also helps to lower blood pressure and heart rate,improve blood vessel function, and, at higher doses, lower triglycerides. Ithelps control eczema and rheumatoid arthritis and plays a protective role in cancer.

However, our body is unable to make this fatty acid from scratch. Therefore, we must get itfrom our food. There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acid, which are called ALA, DHA,and EPA and our diet must contain sources that give us all these types ofOmega.

In this article, we bring your six ways to add Omega toYour Diet

1)      Fatty Fish

Fatty or oily fish suchas salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines are the best sources of two ofthe three most important Omegas EPA and DHA. The fatty acids in these fish areconsidered as good fats that can give huge health benefits to the heart, brain,lungs, and circulation.

You can aim to eatthese oil fish 1-2 times a week in sandwiches, wraps or even in a curry.

2)      Nuts And Seeds

Nuts and seeds such asflaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts are also good sources ofplant-based omega-3 fatty acids.

The best way to extractthe omega fatty acids from seeds is to grind them into a powder and use them inporridges, smoothies or to sprinkle over baked foods.

3)      Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetablessuch as kale, spinach, and other dark greens provide a lot of benefits for ourhealth–including giving us ALA, one form of Omega fatty acids. Other leafygreens that are excellent sources of Omega include romaine, arugula, turnip greensand an edible weed called purslane. 

These greens can beconsumed in salads, soups, and smoothies or eaten steamed with a drizzle ofolive oil, lemon zest, salt and pepper.


4)      Plant Oils

Plant-based oils such as flaxseed oil, soybeanoil, and canola oil are also sources of Omega that can be easily added to thediet. These foods contain a lower concentrationof ALA type of Omega but they can help boost the Omega in your diet.

Cooking inthese plant-based oil is a great way to add flavor or nutrition to your diet.Flax seed oil can be used in salads, dips and sauces.

5)      Fortified foods

There are many foods available in the marketthat have been fortified with omega-3s. These include certain brands of eggs,milk, yoghurt, juice and beverages made from soy milk. These fortified foodsare a simple way to add Omega into your daily diet.

6)      Supplements

Another simple way to add Omega to your diet isto use supplements. Most Omega supplements are made from fish oils. However, ifyou are looking to add a vegan Omega supplement to your diet, you can opt for Hera Omega One.

The Hera Omega One supplements are sourced from the purest form of an omega,ensuring that they are absolutely clean, with no side effects, and are absorbedbetter by the body.

Pregnantwomen need more Omega 3 fats in their diet since thefatty acids are vital to the growth and development of the fetal brain andneural tubes. The Hera Omega One supplements are made, keeping in mind theneeds of pregnant women who want to make sure that their baby is healthy andsmart.

The HeraOmega One supplements are also perfect for women of all ages who want toimprove their mental health as they get older.

In conclusion

Inrecent times, research has proven the variety of benefits from including Omega fats to our body. This is why people arelooking for a way to include Omega sources in their diet. However, if your diet does not fulfil therecommended amounts foromega-3 fatty acids, it is best to invest in the best Omega supplement like Hera Omegaone that can help bridge the nutrition gap.