
Soma is a muscle-relaxing medication that contains Carisoprodol. It helps relieves discomfort and pain caused due to acute musculoskeletal conditions in adults.
People should use Soma only for short periods (up to two to three weeks). There is no adequate evidence of effectiveness for long-term use, and skeletal muscle pain conditions generally last for short durations.
Soma helps treat:
- Skeletal muscle pain
- Injuries in the muscle
- Strain or sprain
Doctors prescribe the medicine for these conditions; however, people also use Soma for back pain.
Frank Berger created soma at Wallace Laboratories and named it carisoprodol. It is a modification of meprobamate. Experts mainly developed Soma for anxiety. The medication has better muscle relaxant properties, with lesser risks of overdose and addiction.
On 1 June 1959, a few American pharmacologists convened at Wayne University in Michigan to discuss a new drug. The drug (later called carisoprodol), originally thought to have antiseptic properties, was found to have central muscle-relaxing properties.
Soma dosage gets based on an individual's medical condition. The recommended dose is Soma 250mg or Soma 350mg taken three times a day and once at bedtime.
The maximum duration to take Soma pills is up to 14-20 days. People should not use the medication beyond that time duration due to the risks of abuse and addiction.
Since clinical investigations are led under generally changing conditions, unfriendly response rates saw in clinical studies of medication can't be legitimately contrasted with rates in another medicine's clinical investigations and may not reflect rates saw by and by.
The information depicted underneath depends on 1387 patients pooled from two twofold visually impaired, randomized, multicenter, fake treatment controlled, one-week preliminaries in grown-up patients with intense, mechanical, lower back pain. In these investigations, patients were treated with 250 mg of SOMA, 350 mg of SOMA, or fake treatment three times each day and at sleep time for seven days. The mean age was around 41 years of age, with 54% females and 46% guys and 74 % Caucasian, 15 % Black, 8% Asian, and 4% other.
There were no severe life-threatening reactions or deaths, and there were no severe antagonistic responses in these two preliminaries. In these two investigations, 2.7%, 2%, and 5.4% of patients treated with fake treatment, 250 mg of SOMA, and 350 mg of SOMA, separately, stopped because of unfavorable occasions; and 0.5%, 0.5%, and 1.8% of patients treated with fake treatment, 250 mg of SOMA, and 350 mg of SOMA, individually, ended because of focal sensory system unfriendly responses.
Table 1 showcases unfavorable responses revealed with frequencies more noteworthy than 2% and more now and again than fake treatment in patients treated with SOMA in the two preliminaries portrayed previously.
The most frequent Soma side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and headache.