
Tag: Comfortis Plus for Dogs

COMFORTIS PLUS for Dogs 6 Chews Flea Heartworm Control Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one fl...

  • MSHC-Ebay

To treat and prevent fleas and worms in dogs, use Comfo... Comfortis PLUS offers three-in-one...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for 2.3 to 4.5 Kg Dogs 6 Chews Flea Hear...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for 4.6 to 9 Kg Dogs 6 Chews Flea Heartw...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for 9.1 to 18 Kg Dogs 6 Chews Flea Heart...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for 18.1 to 27 Kg Dogs 6 Chews Flea Hear...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for 27.1 to 54 Kg Dogs 6 Chews Flea Hear...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

COMFORTIS PLUS for All Sizes Dogs 6 Chews Flea Heartwor...

Comfortis Plus is an all-in-one flea, heartworm, and intestinal worm preven...

  • MSHC-Ebay

Comfortis PLUS provides 3-in-1 parasite protection for...

Comfortis PLUS protects your dog against fleas, heartworm, and intestinal w...

  • MSHC-Ebay