
So who does not know Kenny Rogers? The man who made poker one of the most well known old west games with his soulful The Gambler song in the early 1980s. He has long been a staple of the country music scene even though he seems to be a bit behind the times when it comes to the pop music that now passes for country. This is nothing that surprises many as Rogers has been linked to a good many stars with his duets and agen 18 such. Of course there is the matter that he has had several wives. He has many times confessed that he is incredibly hard to live with and can be a bad husband at times. So many people are now asking how he managed to get the new youthful look. Once he was the rugged looking type that made the songs he sang about the old west and such have some credibility but now that has all changed. There has been some Kenny Rogers plastic surgery going on and that is no surprise to anyone in the scene.
Early in his career Rogers was often times teased about his weight. While he has never been what you would call fat, he has been heavy and sometimes looked a bit bloated. For this he enlisted some help to make himself more on the cutting edge of the new stars that were appearing. He managed to get his weight under control and that meant a lot of work but it has worked for him well. Then to add insult to injury he was becoming a bit old looking. The many lines around his eyes showed the signs of his lifestyle which sometimes mirrored the men in his songs. His